38 | 𝐈'𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐌𝐲 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝

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𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

It took two more days for Alessia to fully ward off the effects of the sedative.

However, when she fully awoke, she was met with the brain-numbing pain that comes with receiving memories. Every memory removed from her from the time she was captured by the Red Room, to her most recent capture was now back in her mind. And she hated it.

Alessia remembered every scream, every jolt of the torture, every kill like the back of her hand. She remembered Siberia, which made her shiver, but not from imagining the cold.

When the pain ceased, and she could speak again, Natasha started asking questions.

"Does it still hurt?" Natasha asked Alessia, at her bedside where she'd been for hours.

Alessia found that it was easier to speak in short phrases. "A little bit. Did the blast work?" She choked out.

Tony and Steve, who were also there perked up at this. Wanda was training in the training center, and Sam had flown back to D.C. after Alessia woke up. Sarah had left her a note, but she had to go home to her husband and baby.

Steve looked over to Tony from his spot opposite Natasha. "Tony. Do you know if it worked?" He asked, concerned for his best friend.

Tony sighed. "I'm not sure. The only way to know for sure would be to expose her to the Mind Stone, but I'm not risking that." The billionare stated, looking at his computer.

Natasha looked at Alessia, and the two conversed mentally. It's a thing they have. "Tony, do it. We need to know." Alessia said.

Steve was against the idea, of course, but Natasha convinced both him and Tony.

The next thing anyone knew, a humanoid android by the name of Vision was walking in the door. Alessia nearly fell off her bed at the sight of him.

"I apologize, for startling you, Miss Romanoff. I understand my form is not traditional, per say." Vision said respectfully, nodding his head at the blonde.

Alessia stuttered, trying to find the words, partly because her brain was fried and partly because she was in awe. "No, no it's okay." She covered.

Tony broke up the akward silence that followed Alessia's statement. "Cool, Vision, stand in front of Poison Ivy, please. Poison Ivy, try not to die." He instructed.

Alessia scrunched her face up, making Steve and Natasha chuckle and her reaction.

Vision did what he was told, and Alessia braced herself to be sucked in, but it never happened. She stayed in her own mind and body.

Natasha laughed, and hugged her sister. Steve and Alessia fistbumped, and Alessia grew one flower for Tony and one for Vision as thanks.

Alessia started to feel groggy, like a part of her herself that was coming back needed an extra push. She knew, that that push was Bucky.

Not long after, Alessia's head pain came back, and now that she was unstrapped, she was free to massage her head. Her hands were shaking with pain and she was muttering incoherent words in Russian. Minutes later, Alessia's body temperature rose and Natasha, growing very worried at her sister's state, gave her a sedative to relax her.

Mother Nature ||| Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now