5 | 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝...𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

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2009, 𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

The car was over a cliff. Natasha was knocked out. The engineer was muttering in incoherent Persian and my head was spinning. We had gone from driving peacefully to this.

I focused on getting us out. I grew vines and pulled the three of us out, waking Nat during the process. My wrist was killing me, but I didn't care.

"Les... Les.. Alessia.." Natasha started muttering.

"Wake up Nat, come on stay with me." I said as I pat her face. It was the only thing I could think of.

She woke with a start, and we noticed a man sauntering over to us slowly, as if he knew we wouldn't run. He had dark hair that was above his shoulders, goggles and a mask were covering his face. He was decked out with weapons, and he had a metal arm. The arm didn't freak me out, it was the red star that sent me into a panic. I had seen it before in the laboratory I was kept in.

My thoughts were stopped when the engineer started hyperventilating. Nat got up at the same time.

"Alessia go to the car and hide." Natasha said to me.

"I'm not leaving you." I said as I got my powers ready.

"I'll be fine. Someone needs to tell them what happened. Now go!" She shouted to me.

Against my better judgement, I hid. I was able to see the whole thing. The man walking up and telling my sister to move. Classic Nat, she didn't. Then the worst.

He had shot the man through my older sister. I contained my gasps, and as the man walked away, I removed myself from the shadows and shot vines at him.

He fought me until he saw my face. I could practically see the wheels turning in his head, like he knew he was supposed to kill me, but he didn't. He knocked me down and continued walking away. I didn't realize I had been zoned out until I heard Natasha's groans.

"Nat, Nat! I'm here, I'm not leaving. Hang on, okay? Listen to my voice." I said as calmly as I could given the situation.

I took her radio from her pocket and took off my bandana that resides on my wrist and wrapped it around her stomach.

"Central, central this is Junior. Senior has been shot, I repeat, Senior has been shot. Engineer is down." I said into the radio as I kept putting pressure on Natasha.

"Junior, is Senior conscious?" The commander on the radio said back.

"She's out cold, the engineer is dead. She was shot through the stomach." I said as Nat kept losing more blood.

"Are you hurt? Where are you now?" The commander asked.

"I'm fine. I'm good. We're off the main road on the way back to the jet. About 20 minutes away. Hurry please!" I said as the radio disconnected.

I started doing CPR, as Natasha kept losing blood. Minutes later, a van came speeding down the road and stopped right in front of us.

"How much blood has she lost?" A doctor asked me as other guys loaded her and the dead engineer in stretchers.

"A pint. Maybe more." I said as I stood up and gathered our stuff before following the Doctor into the van.

Another Doctor approached me and gave me a bottle of water. I nodded in thanks.

"Are you okay? Injured? You seem a little shaken up." The kind Doctor, a nice woman said to me as she rubbed my shoulder.

"My wrist hurts. I'm scared." I whimpered.

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