29 | 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐭 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬

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2015, 𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎

One year since exile started. Eleven months since Bucky Barnes knocked on my door. Five months since Bucky and I became an item. Three months since I've seen Natasha. One month since I've seen Sarah. Somehow, someway, being 'dead' was a very good thing to happen to me. It got me Bucky.

Bucky has taken up writing his recovered memories in notebooks, so he doesn't forget. I enjoyed helping him remember, and he seemed to be doing quite well. He had remembered most of his time during the War and during his 20's. He was still fuzzy on his teenage years and childhood, as wel as many memories of his family. He remembered his family, though. Bucky had filled nearly eight notebooks full of memories. He suggested that I write down my experiences during my life, but I declined.

Contrary to what I imagined would happen, I have remained pure, not giving myself up to Bucky. I'm sure we both wanted to, but we didn't need to do it to express our appreciation for each other.

A showing of 'Aladdin' was playing for probably the millionth time in our living room. I was sat on Bucky's lap playing with his hair while he messed with the bracelet on my wrist. One of my favorite parts of the movie, when Aladdin and Abu were in the Cave of Wonders was starting.

I removed my hands from Bucky's hair and moved his head to watch the movie. He groaned at the loss of my touch, so I placed my finger on his mouth. Bucky very lightly bit my finger, making me remove it from his mouth.

I shook my hand out. "You're disgusting! Where has your mouth been?" I asked him.

He smirked. "On you. On your lips, your head, your hands." He listed, pecking me in each of the places he described. "Here. And here. And here." He continued. Bucky mumbled his words while placing his lips on my jaw, then moving down to my neck and back up.

I turned beat red, trying to watch the movie, but Bucky was being very, distracting.

I whined, continuing to be flustered by this man. "Bucky!" He kept going.

Stopping his movements to move my hair out of the way, Bucky whispered against my skin. "Shh. You're missing the movie." He teased. I felt his breath hot against the crook of my neck. I hated that I loved it, but I really loved it. Bucky and I had never done something like this, and oddly, I really wanted to.

Before I could ask him anything, my phone rang, making Bucky groan. I shook my head and leant forward to grab it off the coffee table. The name flashing brightly made me laugh to myself. Natasha was calling me!

I answered her call and put the phone to my ear, sitting back on Bucky's lap. "Hey, глупый." (Stupid) I teased Natasha.

She chuckled on the other end of the line. "Back at you. What are you doing Saturday and Sunday?" Nat asked me.

I bit my lip harshly, due to the fact that Bucky was acting up again. Apparently, he really liked my neck. I shrugged him off of me and stood up before answering my sister. "Oh, you know, the usual plans. Get up, eat food, watch TV, eat food, sometimes go get groceries, watch TV, eat food, watch a movie, eat food, go to bed, repeat. Why do you ask?" I listed while wandering around the kitchen.

"You're such a little shit. Anyway, I want you to come to New York for the night and spend time with me. What do you think?" Natasha told me, making me raise my eyebrows in surprise. I had never left the house for extended periods of time other than my death day.

I looked at Bucky who was still watching the movie. "You want me to come to the city? Are you sure it's 'safe' or whatever shit you call it?" I asked her.

Natasha answered almost immediately. "Yes, it'll be fun." She reassured me.

I smiled softly. "Sure. I'll be there." I told her.

"Great. I'll have someone pick you up at noon. Bye." She hung up, leaving me to walk back into the living room.

In my absence, Bucky had transitioned to laying on his back, craning his neck to look at the movie. His arms were crossed, and he had a stoic expression on his face. My face contorted into a look of confusion upon seeing him, before realizing he was all pissy because I left his lap.

I walked over to him and crawled on top of him. Bucky and I were lying stomach to stomach, he had his arms around my waist while mine were around his neck. We were very comfortable, and soon enough, the magic carpet scene started playing.
I sat up very excited and moved off of Bucky to sit in front of the TV. Bucky laughed at me, silencing when I sent him a look.

After the scene, Bucky came and sat next to me. "What did your sister have to say?" He asked me, grabbing my hand to hold.

I smiled a little bit. "She wants me to go see her Saturday night. I'd leave mid-day and come home mid-morning on Sunday. I said yes. It that okay?"

He looked at me. "Alessia, you don't need to ask if it's okay to see your sister. But I am going to miss you." Bucky told me honestly.

I met his eyes. "I'll miss you too. It's just a night, I'll be back before you can miss me too much. Promise." I said to him, smiling as I did so.

He nodded, and moved in to give me a gentle kiss.

The next few days before the weekend  were spent doing what Bucky and I do best. Watching Disney and making out.

Saturday morning came, and Bucky and I were "watching" 'Aladdin'. In reality, he was on the couch and I was straddling his lap. Kisses were given and Bucky and I were in a state of bliss. That is, until a car pulled up to my safe house.

We groaned in sync, and I moved to get off Bucky's lap, but he stopped me. "You're gonna miss the magic carpet ride." Bucky whined.

I gave him one last kiss. "You watch it, and tell me about it tomorrow. I love you." I told him.

He kiss me again, before nodding. "I love you." He told me, before we stood up and Bucky handed me my bag.

I hugged him, and took my bag before walking to the cool ass car that was in my driveway.

What did I watch during that car ride to New York? 'Aladdin'. What else?

 What else?

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