Living Tease II || Red Harrington

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Your POV

I lay in my bed, staring up at the ceiling, almost two hours after I had planned to sleep. My eyes had no intention of shutting any time soon.

I sat up in bed and took a few deep breaths. I'd say the room in which I'm staying is sufficient. I had the entire room to myself. It appeared to be a modest guest room, although a little dusty, otherwise ideal.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 1:06 a.m. I typically go to bed early, but I'm in a new place, so I'm not used to it yet. It usually take me a long time to finally settle into a place.

I'm not sure if Red is still up at this hour, but I doubt it. After today's chaos, she must be drained. I gathered the strength to leave the room and snuck out the back door, hoping to catch some fresh air before returning to my room.

It was chilly, as I had imagined. At this hour, it was also unusually noisy; I could still hear shouting and voices. I leaned against the rails, shutting my eyes and allowing myself to unwind.

"What are you doing out here?"

The unexpected voice startles me. I quickly turned around to see Red standing by the entrance. I took a step back since I certainly did not expect her to be awake. What I failed to remember was that, there were stairs behind me.

I felt my body tumbled back, I close my eyes shut preparing for a hit, but It never came. Instead, I felt two protective hands around my body.

I opened my eyes, surprised to find myself completely engulfed in Red's embrace. Her expression was filled with worry, something I had never expected her to show.

"You scared me." I simply said.

"No- you scared me."

For a little period, we were silent; her arms had not yet left my waist. We both held eye contact, and for a split second the noises disappeared into thin air.

After what felt like a whole minute, she abruptly removed her hands from my body, making me miss her touch already. I have never felt such feelings for a woman before. Sure she was hot and famous around here, but it feels sudden.

"Why are you awake at this hour?" She questioned.

"Got a foggy mind."


"I haven't told my parents I got my job even to the part that I'll be staying here."

"You should rest."

She turned cold all of a sudden, it confuses me as she was just worried a moment ago. "Bu-"

"Go." Her voice was stern and demanding, so I listened.

I walked passed her and back to my room, she continued to occupy my thoughts for the next hour, or until my eyelids eventually closed.

~The next morning~

I had just finished getting ready, I was told the night before to fetch Red some tea in the morning. That's exactly what I did. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

If there's no one around, this place appears unkempt, nearly abandoned. It's a little cluttered, but it's well-organized.

I went into the kitchen to make some tea for her; the strange thing was that she only had one type of tea in her kitchen. Which I'm guessing is her favorite kind.

I went up the stairs again, definitely was tiring. I should get used to this leg soreness thing. (Get your head out of the gutter people.)

Red was already seated at her table, but her head was buried in her hands. She seemed frustrated over something, is it because I served the tea later than she usually gets it?

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