Simply Gold III || George

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Your POV

"I think you should put it there," I suggested, pointing to the room's far corner.

Some people assisted me with the furniture today, and everything is going well so far.

It's been almost four days since George hasn't returned my call. Here's the thing: I was going to contact her, but she said she'd call me. So I'm not going to annoy her anymore. All I can do now is wait for her long-awaited phone call.

I'm sweating on the side of my face, and it's almost lunchtime. Since 7 a.m., I had been assisting with the relocation. At this time, I hadn't even gotten a full rest in between furniture or eaten anything.

I pulled the bread out of the toaster and topped it with eggs and avocado. I set it down on the counter and removed the pan.

I made a quick sunny-side-up egg and slid it on top of the avocado on bread.

My phone rang just as I was finished cooking. Maybe it was George who called, so I dashed to my phone like lightning.

Fortunately, that wasn't George. Tom, on the other hand, was the one who made the call.

I took it from the table, answering the call, and pressed it against my ear.


"Oh my god- Y/n. You can't believe who I just saw!" He chortled.

"You saw George?!" I said excitedly.

The quiet was deafening, and I realized that he had never seen a photograph of George, so how could he know?

"Oh, you don't know what she looked like, do you?" I went on to say.

"Honestly, Y/n. That woman has been on your mind 24 hours a day, seven days a week."

"I can't help it. Anyway- who did you see?"

"It's Amelie!" He exclaimed, clearly ecstatic.

Since they met in college, Amelie has been his all-time crush. However, she had to leave the city a few years ago due to work.

I sat on the barstool, silently eating the meal I had prepared while Tom rambled on. Amelie, with her lovely green orbs, is a stunning blonde woman. I went to the same college as them, and she was by far the loveliest person I encountered there.

I didn't speak to her, perhaps because we're not really close, and I'd only know how she was doing through Tom.

I excused myself to close the call as I finished my meal because I needed to start helping again.

Before continuing to work, I set the phone on the counter and hurriedly cleaned the dishes.


I waited for hours, but there was no news from George. I was debating whether or not I should call George after the workers had gone home.

I'm currently staring blankly at my phone screen, and George's number is already shown in front of me. All I had to do was make a single click. But I can't make up my mind to either call or not.

I opted against it. Because I don't think she'd appreciate it if I bothered her so much.

My phone was an inch away from hitting the counter before George's number called me. I froze in place, as I wasn't preparing anything either.

With trembling hands, I answered her call.

"Hello there," I said.


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