Till Death Do Us Part || Bellatrix Lestrange

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Your POV

It's very clear in the last couple of months I have grown to like Bellatrix. We are nothing official, just some friends hanging around.

I noticed how every time I was in a room with her, I always found her catching glances at me. Although it must hurt to say none of us wanted to take the lead.

Sure, she was an expert in everything, but I can't ignore that she is not the greatest at these things.

I spent almost daily, sleeping at her manor. I even have clothes here too, so when I do want to shower, I have some spare clothes to change into.

It was a very windy evening when I was sitting down on the couch with Bella on my side. We were picking which movie to watch.

It's been a regular thing we do, which is watching movies together every few days. She always had a thought of mind where she would complain about certain parts of the movie. How she would do the scene instead, how she wouldn't believe the CGI. There are many things she complains about. But It's one of the things I like about her so much.

"Hold on Bella, I'm just gonna get a glass of water. You can go choose the movie first."

She nodded and went on clicking the remote.

I went on my way to the kitchen, picking up a clear glass, and filling it to its brim with water.

As I was finishing, I heard my name being called. "Y/N!!"

I rushed out, to see her about to pick a movie. "Y/n? what is Titanic?"

"Oh- it's just a romance movie, had a sad ending I believe."

"Should we watch this?" She questioned while looking directly at me.

Here's another thing to love about her, she needs my approval. She values my opinion.

I nodded, and we went on with the movie.

It went great, just a few comments here and there. Along with the disgusted look she gave once in a while.

Near the ending, where Jack was dying. She made a comment to me.

"Why would he die for her? That's just pathetic."

I glance over to her, "What exactly are you saying?"

"Why would someone sacrifice their life for someone else?" She scoffed pointing to the screen, "What is this so-called 'Love'?"

"Well in that scene, they had much chemistry together, Bella. You saw that as well. They believed they were destined to be together and they're both already aware of that without saying a word. Love is blind, and you don't know where it came from, or how it came either."

She stayed silent for a moment but soon shrugged it off. "Whatever, it's still pathetic to me anyway."


This was a few days later, we were called for a DE meeting. Voldemort had planned on killing this potter boy from the very start.

And what's more stupid is that they had the chance to kill him multiple times, but instead they let him go. He's just a boy.

Bellatrix sat on my left, and her sister sat on my right. There were still chatters of conversations being made from ear to ear but not loud enough to make my head dizzy.

Soon, a grey almost black fog appeared. There he was, Lord Voldemort, standing tall above everyone. Taking a seat at the head of the table.

"Welcome my fellow death eaters." He taunted, scanning his eyes over everyone sitting at the table.

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