Simply Gold V || George (Small NSFW)

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Your POV

My birthday is coming up tomorrow, and I'll be honest, I'm not all that enthusiastic about it. I don't celebrate my birthdays, not because I don't want to, but because I don't have anyone to spend it with.

During the previous few weeks, George and I have become closer. I went to see her nearly every day, and I even assisted her in going to the store with her or help doing her gardening.

I'm taking a different route to her house because I figured a little extra walking wouldn't hurt. Again, I've never used this lane; George mentioned it once that you can go through this lane.

I kept running into dead ends; it seemed like wherever I went was a dead end. At this point, I'm beginning to regret my decision. I often go to George's at 1:00 p.m. Even so, it was cloudy when I got at her gate, and it was long past 4 p.m.

Sun-kissed white clouds blossom in the blue, free to fly with the wind. In the long horizon they take on silver hues, those deeper graphite tones that promise good rain.

I was standing near her front gate, watching her water the plants.


A relieved smile came across her face as she saw me by the gate. She set the hoes on the ground and walked over to me.

"What took you so long?" She asked as she's opening the lock.

"I took a different route and got lost."

"Which road?"

"I usually took left but I took the right this time since you said It's a lot closer."

"At least you made it," she smiled as she shook her head.

"At least? I almost died."

"You're over exaggerating."

"Oh please, I wouldn't be here right now if I hadn't asked around. It's as though I'd been kidnapped by my own stupidity."

She was giggling at my stupid actions. She led me inside, and it began to rain shortly after.

"Imagine if you're just 5 minutes late, you'll be soaked by now."

Before I could reply to her, my nostrils were washed with the scent of freshly baked bread. "Okay stop making fun of me, what is this smell?"

"I was cooking blueberry bread, which should have been done by now."

She took the cooking mitts from the counter and walked over to the oven.

The smell got stronger and more clearer now that it's out of the oven. I took a deep breath, taking in the beautiful fresh smell.

The purple golden loaf seemed to bloom right on the counter, its aroma evoking the warmest of smiles.

I was about to touch it but my hand was quickly slapped away.

"Ouch, what was that for?!"

"It's still hot y/n. You'll burn your fingers!"

I sagged back in my seat, irritated, but she simply shrugged it off.

"Your motherly instincts is kicking in," I mocked.

She scoffed, "And you're acting like a child."

I hate when she's right.


"Ugh you're cheating George!" I groaned.

She was giggling uncontrollably. She triumphed in the card game once more. THIS WAS THE THIRD TIME IN A ROW IT HAPPENED.

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