Cooking Accident || Eudoria Holmes

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Your POV

I have grown fond of Eudoria ever since I took some lessons from her. There are nights where I would stay here for the night bc of how late it was.

I walked up to the book on the table. Flour.. we need flour.

It's suppose to be training hours right now, but Eudoria won't let me train because I hurt my leg pretty bad yesterday.

I went over to the cabinet, kneeling down to get the flour. Someone suddenly drew me back before I could even reach the flour. I turned around to see Eudoria, who had a serious, almost irritated expression on her face.

"What did I tell you?" She grabbed my hand and led me to the nearest stool.

"I have healed! I can walk and help you cook the cookies, Eudoria."


I sat down annoyed that she treated me like a child. She went back preparing the ingredients from eggs, flour, salt, butter, sugar, and many more.

I didn't mind that Enola was training out there. She preferred training alone since it provided her more room to experiment with new skills before putting them to the test with her mother.

Not so long ago, I did learn that one of Enola and Eudoria's favorite snack was cookies.

To be honest, I'm not a huge lover of cookies, perhaps because I've never come across a truly great chocolate chip cookie. Sometimes it's too salty, too bland, even too hard. I eventually gave up trying to figure out if I liked cookies or not. Plus, making cookies is not as easy as people might think it is.

Enola have been very very active lately, she trained from the sunrise to sunset. She worked hard. Eudoria thought it would be a good idea to surprise her with her favorite chocolate chips cookie after she was done with her training.

I decide to assist her, but Eudoria has so far refused to allow me to do so.

She was afraid that I might injure myself again while attempting to assist her. She wouldn't budge no matter how hard I tried to persuade her that I was OK.

When I looked through her recipe book, I noticed that everything was hand-written. "Where's the steps?"

She looked up from the bowl, "Oh, I don't write the instructions down."

"Why not?"

"I have 2 recipe books. The first book is for the recipes I don't cook so often, and the other is ones that I cook often. The one that you're holding is the second book. I don't write steps as I don't find it essential if I can recall them all in the back of my mind."

I just sat there amused, "Make sense." My eyes followed as she moved from one spot to another, it was quite funny how she seemed to be so focused on preparing the ingredients.

She pulled out a bowl and went back to the book to double-check that she was putting the right items. "Let me help!" I adamantly said.

I didn't have to stand up and assist her because she was cooking them on the island counter. I grabbed the sea salt and measured it with a teaspoon. Perhaps it was because I was feeling nervous that I accidentally spilled some on the counter.

"tsk tsk tsk."

I look up at Eudoria and she was staring me down. "There's no room for mistakes, Y/n."

"Oh c'mon, you have never spilled anything?" I challenged.

"I have.." She admitted. I smiled proudly, but soon faded into a pout after I heard what she said next. "When I was 6 years old."

"Oh come on!" I replied.

"You should strive to learn how to keep your hands stable." She asserted herself.

She was smiling but then she paused for a moment with a cup of flour in hand.

"How many cups have I put in?" She inquired looking down at the bowl.

Now that I have realized, she was subconsciously pouring cups into the bowl but forgetting to count them.

She looked at the bowl before looking up at me. We exchanged 5 seconds of eye contact before bursting out laughing. "Let's just say 2 cups."

I couldn't help but shake my head in astonishment. "Just a minute ago, someone said that 'TheRe'S nO RoOm FoR mIStAkEs'."

She raised her head, a wry grin on her face. "Well, you diverted my attention and plus my mistakes don't count."

We burst into fits of laughters. I think that must be one of the most fulfilling laughs I had in a while. Even simply recalling the events might bring a grin to my face.

"Now be useful and go mix the butter, brown and granulated sugar on the mixer."

I stood up, and put the ingredients one by one into the mixer.

"Hold on, I need to go to the bathroom real quick," She said walking out of the kitchen.

I nodded and checked the book again to make sure.

"Start with the lowest setting and work your way up!" She yelled through the halls.


When I pressed the buttons, the sugar came out flying. My immediate reaction was to turn the machine off. I stood there still in shock, staring at the mess I had created. Some of the sugar fell onto the counter, and some even on the floor.

I look back at the machine, analyzing the buttons. That's when I realized, I clicked the highest setting. Just great..

"Maybe it's better if you observe."

The unexpected voice startled me. I look over my shoulder and saw Eudoria leaning on the door.

I sheepishly smile at her, "Sorryy.."


"Here we goo!" Eudoria called from the kitchen.

I shift my gaze to Enola, who is already grinning. "Race you there."

She had dashed to the kitchen with all her strength before I could even proceed what she had spoken.

I trailed behind her, and the aroma of freshly baked cookies flooded my nose as soon as we entered the hallways. The aroma bringing a hunger to me that I wasn't aware of earlier... or perhaps it's new.

I noticed the cookies on the counter still steaming and was about to get one when my hand was smacked away from the tray.


"It's still hot! Do you want to burn your fingers?" She scolded.

When she noticed me sulking, she just shook her head.

After a few minutes, she finally removed the cookies from the tray and placed them on a plate. My mouth watered just by looking at them. Enola and I were both leaning on the table, inspecting the cookies as if they were diamond jewelry.

A familiar chuckle from someone caught my attention. Eudoria was leaning against the counter when I looked over. "You can eat now."

My hand flew immediately into one, racing with Enola despite the fact that there were enough cookies for all of us.

"Now noww.. There's no need for racing," Eudoria teased.

Our giggles filled the room and it felt good to have a sense of home here. I feel welcomed.

The cookie, on the other hand, was the finest chocolate chip cookie I have ever had. The outside had a perfectly golden color and it was completely soft in the inside. The way it melts in my mouth, fills me with so much joy with just one bite. I think she just changed my perspective on cookies.

Following the fresh batch of cookies, we finished the night with a great cup of warm cocoa. Oh how can life get any better than this.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter like I did writing it. Funny story, I actually got this idea from my own experience on cooking. I had forgotten how many cups of flour I had put. Anyways don't forget to vote and also don't forget, I love youuu! <3

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