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Hey :)  guess whos still alive, yeah. I talked to people and learned to think before I did things, and thank you guys for all your support. I cried reading all of your messages <33 so thank you everyone for all the kind messages. I'm gonna try, I'm gonna start taking school seriously and along with my life. 

Im listening to Dreamland well writing this, and I suggest you guys do too :)) I love you guys


Y/n's pov

(Dream /Flash back in another's eyes)

I could feel the world around me spinning as I sat up, I wasn't awake- I was asleep. I crawled out of bed placing my feet on the floor, trying to gain myself. 

I was sleeping through dream land, I could feel everything spin around me with colors. I looked over to the other side of the bed to see Gregory sleeping, slowly walking over to him- reaching my hand out to him. But he disappeared into ash, quickly I shot up spinning around as I looked for him as the room lost its color and faded to darkness. 

I stood in the darkness, as a door appeared. The door was yellow, with a little logo on it, it was a yellow bunny and a yellow bear. Slowly and carefully reaching my hand out for the door handle, until I shot my hand away from it. 

"what are you thinking y/n! don't go opening random doors." I said to myself stepping away from the door, but I stopped moving when I bumped into something. Quickly trying to turn around- but I wasn't fast enough. Shoved into the door which busted it open, I quickly spun around to see who pushed me onto the now open door and floor. A man stood there, his black hair gently crossing over his face, his purple shirt buttoned up neatly. 

"Heya There Cutie" He said winking as he snapped away.

I quickly and fankishly shot up, spinning around to the sound of a child crying. Turning around to see a little boy by a taller group of boys, one of them which has some similarity's to the man you just saw. I ran up to them to go ask them where I was, when I was stopped to the feeling of warm liquid dripping over my face. I slowly placed my hand on my face wiping some of the liquid on my hand to see it was red, I couldn't stand the sight of blood. I wiped my head up to see the little boys body now hanging from a robots head, head crushed in from the jaw of the yellow bear. And the black hair boy standing there in shock with his friends behind him, shaking in fear. 

I could feel myself lose balance due to the amount of blood in the area. Soon enough my body gave in and dropped me to the floor, just as my back was about to hit the floor- it seemed like i fell into another place. 

A ball pit to be exact. 

I could hear the noise of something swishing around with me, looking around I saw a little boy. He had brown hair, a blue sweater and.... IT WAS GREGORY!! I sprinted over to him, placing my arms around him, but he moved away. I noticed my arms went through him... 

was I a... Ghost? 

No I couldn't be!! I'm not dead- I last remember being in the room with Gregory- yeah! I couldn't have been dead. 

I turned my head back to the way Gregory was, he was searching around a desk like thing. He carefully moved his hands around the desk- looking like he was searching for something. Until he found it, pressing a button. The lights flickered off after a second. 

I saw him sprint towards these playground like things, I tried to run after him but I was stopped. Turning around to be faced with the man with black hair again.

"Wakey~ Wakey, sunshine" 

(End of Dream / Flash back)

I shot up from my bed, covered in sweat. My heart racing, I looked around to see Gregory softly sleeping. placing my hand on his arm shaking him, to see if he was real. 

He groaned. 

Yep. Defonitly real.

"Whats the matter sunshine.." he said in a raspy voice, slowly rubbing his eyes.

"I had a nightmare.. I- you were there.." I said leaning over to his open arms, placing my head on his chest. He placed his hands in my hair, gently brushing through it with his fingers- making sure to not get stuck in a not. 

"its okay Sunshine~" He said kissing the top of my head "Im here for you"

"Lets try and get some sleep now, we have a lot to do today" 


Hey guys :)) I hope you liked that chapter, im gonna try and write more, but updates will be slower. Due to reasons, youd know if you were one of the people who read my last a/n <33

Also in the story, Gregory calls Y/N sunshine. I picked for him to call you that name for 2 reasons:

1. Thats what I call my lover, cause that name means a lot to mean and I like to be reminded about them, and this story was kinda made this way + plus he reads this soo ;))


Now I love you guys so much and thank you all for staying through all of my pain and tears and break downs, it means a lot. And we also hit like fucking 20k reads, like thank you all so much <33

I love you guys so much!!!! 

*mwah* Your kiss from Gregory cause times get tough but im here for you <33

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