God stood me up....

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.A/n hey guys it's currently 1am and I feel like crying my eyes out. I wish I could really have something with someone like I made this story have. A lot of people might not know but, yeah I'm kinda a emotional reck, and when I don't get told that I'm enough or worth it I break down. And that's happening right now :') but I need to keep yu guys happy, so here I am. Love you guys no matter what.

Y/n's pov:

"Do you only like me because of that..."

I looked over back at him as he picked at his nails, I could see the tears forming in his eyes. He was holding back for me.

"N-No Gregory. I... It's not like that."

"Are you sure... I mean, I- I don't know y/n.. I waited 3 years, 3 years. And then you just show up again and... And here we are."

" Gregory it's not like that, you know what happened between me and my dad.. I didn't want to-"

Gregory sighed. He didn't trust me, but he did.

"Yeah.. sorry, I was just overthinking again. Well, I should go get ready for work.. and you need to get home." He said getting up and walking up the stairs towards his room.

I sat there looking at my hands, thinking over what I just did. I had ruined everything, all again. Breaking him over like a doll, and then putting him back together.

I could hear crying upstairs, I slowly got up and walked towards his room. Opening the door to see him sobbing with his hands in his face, sitting down in his bed.

"Gregory.." I sighed as I closed the door walking over to him. "I'm not like that, please.. just listen to me."

He didn't respond so I took that as a continue talking.

"Gregory, I like you so much. I liked you since we met, I've liked you for ever. I'm not a gold digger... Gregory I'm not like every other girl I promise, I love the way your hair falls over your eyes. How your eyes glimpse around the room when your zoned out. Gregory your messy, but your kind. Your Lonely most of the time, but you'll always be mine." I slowly placed my hand on his. " I don't care what happens, I'm always gonna be here with you. Through blood and tears, through the day and night."

Gregory slowly placed his hand more into mine, rubbing his thumb over mine. Leaning over more in my shoulder, placing his head carefully on my shoulder.

"I dont know what I'd do without you" he said looking over to me

"Probably die, get ur head bit off by a crazy girl" I laughed quietly with him


We both sat there in comfortable quietness.

"At least we have eachother"


Hey guys. Kinda a sad chapter a bit, a lil short one. I'm sorry. I feel like shit right now, I have no reason for feeling like shit. I just feel like crying to music right now, and I'm sorry for not updating and being enough towards you guys and the fanbase. And I want all of you to know that I live you so much, I love every second that ur on this earth, every little breath you make. I know you can call it bullshit, but I love you. I mean it

I want you guys to know that I'm always here, you don't need to be here for me. But I'll always be here for you guys, and responding to your comments every now and then :)

*Mwah* kisses to all you cuties, cause you matter more then life itself <33

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