Waking up on a fever dream

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Hey guys :)) how was the last chapter? Did you like it? I hope you did :] and thank-you for the amazing comments on it. I'm also in math right now, I'm gonna be writing a note 😎 enjoy

Y/n's pov:

I woke up to the sun shining in my face. Looking around I saw Gregory behind me holding my waist, breathing softly. His brown hair was all ruffled around, it was kinda cute. But I had to remember, just friends. (A/n this bitch had a whole makeout session with him and they say "just friends" like stfu 🙄)

I slowly got up raping his arms around the pillow, Trying to not wake him up as he slept. I got up off the bed making my way to the door, stopping as I heard Gregory grown ( A/n idfk how to spell it and I'm gonna cry). He shuffled in his sleep as he turned to the other side facing the night stand.

I opened the door and walked downstairs towards the kitchen, sitting down on the stool as I took out a Pop tart and placed it in the toaster.

(A/n I'm listening to squid ward nose rn and HIS DICK SMALLER THEN MY TOES. I'm sorry lord 🙏)

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and connected it to his kitchen speakers, scrolling through my Spotify and pressing one of my favorite song. I heard the beat play out. I got ready to scream it out.

"Why you only calling at 11:30, when you only wanna do me dirty." I sang along to the lyrics as I danced around Gregory's kitchen.

"You turn me on like a light switch, when your moving your body round and round."

~oh I don't wanna fight this~

"You got me on a tight grip.." I turned around to see Gregory mumble the last lyrics and turn down the speakers.

"Hey... Sorry. I forgot you were here.. I tend to blast music in the mornings at my house, sorry for waking you." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

Gregory slowly walked closer towards me, Pulling me into a hug and placing his head in the crook of my neck. I hugged him back as we both stood in the middle of the kitchen and hugged eachother as the song ended.

Gregory let go when he heard the next song.

~get it well I'm busy down~ the lyrics played

"MATERIAL GURL" Gregory said tilting his head and throwing his hand back like a diva. I died laughing at his reaction to the song.

"That song is amazing, I love it." He said going back over towards me

"I bet" I giggled out as he brushed his hair out of his face. "Here, I think you'll like this one" I said going over to my phone and playing another song. I pressed material girl by Madonna, he tilled his head as he listened to the song.

I sang to the lyrics as we both ran around the kitchen making our breakfast together. Him slowly learning the lyrics to the song as we both danced around like it was the 80s and we were in a teen love movie.

The song eventually ended and we both finished up making our breakfast and sat down at the island table. The top being made out of marble, it was so pretty. I looked around and finally glimpsed at his house, everything was so pretty and expensive. I wasn't a gold digger, but It did suprise me when I saw that everything had to cost more then about 3000 dollars.

"I- wow, your house looks so expensive... I don't mean it in like a way that you couldn't be rich I just meant that you have a nice house." I said rambling

"Yeah... Thanks.." Gregory said looking down at his plate as he pushed his food around.

"Do you only like me cause of that..."


Hey cutiess :)))
Hope you liked that chapter, it was pretty fun and longer then the last uwu.

Are you a gold digger 🤨🤨 or just in for the man 🤔 who knows. Only I do lol

Can't wait for you guys to see the next one, y'all might like it. Also your favorite character is gonna come back soon, he's coming back for one last grounding 🤪

*Mwah* your daily kiss from Gregory :)) cause I love you and your so fucking valid and no bitch can say otherwise <33

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