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Hey guys I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for not updating.

I've been really suicidal and I thought I was getting better at keeping myself in track and being happy but now things are crashing around me again.

I've been skipping classes and falling behind, and yeah I know that's my fault. But I feel like I can't do anything anymore.

Like I don't even know if I can continue this story, and I want to. I just feel like I can't do anything, I'm stuck in a box with the lock on it and life's just standing in front of me with the key but I can't get out.

Like today when I was walking home I almost got jumped by a bunch of guys just for wearing a dream hoodie.

So I'm sorry guys, I'm taking a break from this story along with the others. I know, I said I wouldnt but I'm sorry. I'm gonna try and write more when I'm not trying to kill myself :')

So yeah. I'm back to wanting to die again, and no none of this is a joke.

Sorry guys. And I love you


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