Central Powers

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The central powers were Germany in ww1 (second Reich) and his allies, so that's Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire

Bulgaria: Can I be frank with you guys?
Second Reich: Sure, but I don't see how changing your name is going to help.
Ottoman: Can I still be Ottoman?
Austria-Hungary: Shhh, let Frank speak.


Second Reich: Take your helmet off in space. You won't do it. No balls
Bulgaria: You can buy 100 ladybugs on Amazon for $5. What a time to be alive
Ottoman: I'm trying so hard to decode this entire conversation


Austria-Hungary: The fact that I like Second more than the rest of you combined doesn't mean that I don't like you
Bulgaria: Oh :(
Ottoman: ...combined??


Second Reich: Yo is Ottoman sleeping or dead?
Austria-Hungary: Hopefully dead, I hated that guy.
Bulgaria: Yeah, so did I.
Ottoman: Okay first of all, fuck you-


Austria-Hungary: I've got a few knives up my sleeve.
Bulgaria: I think you mean cards.
Second Reich: They do not.
Austria-Hungary, pulling out knives: I do not.


Austria-Hungary: When are we gonna kiss?
Second Reich: What?
Austria-Hungary: Oh sorry autocorrect. When are we gonna hang out?
Second Reich: First of all that two words isn't even close to each other. And second of all, this is a verbal conversation—


Second Reich: Austria, can you turn on the lights?
Austria-Hungary: you're the light of my life
Second Reich:
Second Reich: Österreich I know you're blind but I can't fucking see


Bulgaria, on the phone: Hey, where are you?
Second Reich: Just got back from the store with Ottoman and Austria-Hungary. It feels like I forgot something.
Bulgaria: Yeah, you forgot me.
Second Reich: OH SHI-


Austria-Hungary: You're a lying, cheating piece of garbage! You're not the man I married!
Second Reich: Then we'll get divorced! And I'm taking Ottoman with me!
Bulgaria, slowly sliding the Monopoly board away from them: I think it's time we stop playing now...


Ottoman: Are you decent?
Second Reich: Not morally
Second Reich: but im wearing pants if that's what you're asking


Second Reich: taco cat backwards is still taco cat.
Ottoman: I don't know what to do with this information.
Austria-Hungary: dog food lid backwards is dildo of God.
Ottoman: I don't know what to do with this information either.


Second Reich: they say there's always one person in every friend group capable of murder
Second Reich: so I killed Ottoman before he had the chance to do any harm
Austria-Hungary, looking at Ottoman's dead body: yeah, that was the right choice


Second Reich: do you want to know how I really hurt my wrist?
Bulgaria: yes.
Second Reich: I was hula hooping. Me and Austria-Hungary take a class for fitness and fun.
Bulgaria: oh my god
Second Reich: I've mastered all the moves- the pizza toss, the tornado, the scorpion, the oopsie doodle-
Bulgaria: why are you telling me this?
Second Reich, with a malicious smile: because nobody will ever believe you

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