Korea Twins

300 11 15

China: Anyone 5 feet or under shouldn't be taken seriously. What are they gonna do, headbutt my nipples?


North: I swear, if I hadn't promised mother on her death bed that I wouldn't kill you
South: And believe me no one appreciates that more than me-
North: I don't want to hear another word from you while we are here. Do you understand me?
South: *nods*
South: Well how could I answer?! You said I couldn't say anything!
North: GRR *starts winding up for a punch*
South: AH- REMEMBER MOTHER! *gets fucking decked by North*


North: *Distant maniacal laughter*
Japan: Oh my god, what was that?
South: Excuse me? That's my brother, you jerk!


South: Important question: do you identify more as a catboy, catgirl, or nyanbinary?
North: I'm going to put out a bounty for your head on the dark web
South: :(


South: ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
North: (ง'̀-'́)ง


South, to North: Are you feeling okay? You havent come up with any dastardly evil schemes lately :(


South, to North: I noticed you weren't at dinner but I saw you tried poison my water!
South: Usually when you do that it means you want to talk. What's up are you mad at me?


Japan: You're... twins?
North: What? No! Really?
South: Mother should've told us


South: North? North Korea what the fuck are you doing?
North, with his nuke: It's my fucking emotional support nuke, leave me alone!


South: Violence isn't the answer.
North: You're right.
South: *sighs in relief*
North: Violence is the question.
South: What?
North, bolting away: And the answer is yes.
South, running after him: NO-


North: I prevented a murder today!
South: Really? That's impressive! How'd you do it?
North: Self control.


North: Anyone know when my life is supposed to get better?
South: It won't ❤️
North: Fuck you


South: I don't know how you do it.
North: Do what?
South: Make everything sound like a threat or an insult. That man looked like he was about to piss himself, and all you did was ask him to step aside so that we could get past. Even when I actively try to sound threatening, no one takes me seriously.
North: That's because you look and sound, like the personification of a warm hug.
South: See!


South, hanging out with Japan: Please stop staring at me.
North: I can't help it, I've never seen you look so.... domestic.
South: Why does that feel like an insult, coming from you?


South: Wait! You're forgetting something.
North: What?
South: Well, being an evil villain, you are contractually required to explain your plan before you get rid of us.


North: Thank you for showing me there was still a part of me that could feel things. Because, now that I know where to find it, I killed it forever, so thank you for freeing me.
South: No! You were so close to being good! You were so close!

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