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It had been a week since you left Devildom and remained in the human realm with a certain human sorcerer. You had moments where you missed utterly of the lousy and choatic bunch, there wasn't a gloomy moment with them...the beginning being an exception of course.

Gladly, Solomon is there to put the sudden wave of emptiness at ease. He had taken care of you and as your advisor, guided you through the process in being a sorcerer. At times you're met with doubt and failure he'd always be there to reassure you and give u a list of reasons why you're special and talented.

The warming glow of the dawn sprawled throughout your tiny yet of comfort bedroom. Used to having either one or multiple walking-alarms there to spring you up from bed, you waited. Sneaking a bit more rest at that.


The ticking of the clock strummed off of the eerie silence, silence that you rarely had.

Getting rather impatient as a urging feeling rises from your chest, pushing you to burst your eye lids awake. On that, you did, batting you eyelashes a couple of times before realising where you were.

Not in that bedroom of memories.

It felt cold and empty.

As if the golden ray of light has been forced out of the atmosphere,it dimmed.

you peeled your eyes open forcefully. and saw that you're in an unfamiliar room, it wasn't the room that you have spent a year and more in, not the room that is filled with laughters and memories.

The house was so quiet it felt unusual and you are not in the slightest used to it.

the human realm is not your home anymore.

Devildom is.

and yet Diavolo had usher you back here.

what are they doing right now? How are they doing right now? These thoughts clouds your mind constantly.

did mammon got punished again? Or maybe the anti-Lucifer league is planning another scheme again.

it was so overwhelming, it felt like starting life plain and boring like the life before you had step foot in devildom.

dull indeed.

you hid your face in the soft pillow, the darkness was so comforting but it was what makes you hallucinate, images after images of them pops out.

Warm liquid trickled down your cheeks, staining the fabric of your pillow. Quiet whimpers echo in the tiny bedroom.

if Solomon had known how empty you felt, he'd feel so guilty, he has expressed concern when he first saw you crying on the sofa after a phone call with Lucifer.

the creek of your bedroom door alerted you as you clumsily wiped any excess liquid off your face and stayed still.

soft foot steps approaches you as you kept your eyelids shut tight. it will be so utterly embarrassing if he saw you in this state.

" y/n hey, wakey wakey~ I've got us breakfast. It's f/n just so you know~."

he lured, you fought with every conscious braincells left in your clouded state.

Solomon could have sworn he heard noises as he approached your room. He became alerted, glancing around the tiny room, making sure you're safe until he had spot the damped pillow.

He instantly knew what had went on.

he went over to the door and shuts it, pretending that he had left.

hearing the twist of the door knob, you sighed in relieve. You groggily got up, staring into space.

just thinking.

it wasn't a good idea, the more you thought the more warm liquid threatens to fall.

" y/n why would you cry behind my back?..."

god, he hasn't left yet.

the pain in his voice was so... heart striking.

guilt consumed your entire being from head to toe. your hands instinctively seized handful of bedsheets to fight the massive weight on your shoulders.

" you know y/n, promise me you'd never audition to be an actor." He joked, as you felt your mattress being sat on.

You back faced him. You couldn't face him.

it felt so awkward.

You wanted to apologise but your mouth felt dry and you felt tired.

" y/n? Hey, don't give me the silent treatment, you know you can't hide everything from me."

fuck, why does he have to be so considerate and patient all the time.

Solomon waited for your response in silence, giving you the space that you need.

" it's as if you have shifted personalities."


" not that I'm complaining, I still love you but you seem to not enjoy yourself here. how can I make it up to you?"

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Why is he acting as if he is in the wrong? Is he guilt-tripping? because it's certainly working.

your shoulder shook uncontrollably as streams fell. You were wailing.

Solomon felt even more worried, had he said something wrong? Did you not like him?

he didn't know what to do as he watched you wail. 200+ years alive and this is the first time he had encountered something like this.

he had no idea what to say or do but watch and wait.

he didn't have to think long though, you deliberately swooned in his chest and wailed on his chest. Damping the fabric of his turtleneck.

he awkwardly wrapped his arms around you. it was warm. He was warm.

As you spent what seemed like hours, wailing like a child with him keeping your company in silence.

 𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃               🍓𝑜𝑏𝑒𝑦 𝑚𝑒Where stories live. Discover now