𝟓.𝟒 " 𝐖𝐄 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊"

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...need a hand? it'd be more efficient that way don't you think?"

solomon had been remaining in the big kitchen the whole time, ever since the operation has commenced and refused to leave in spite of any invitation. Everyone was given a task regarding the preparations and Solomon was given the task of grocery shopping...

" ah grocery shopping, I do appreciate all of you for giving me the opportunity to enhance my cooking. As it says, every new year is a new page of our lives! and another page of opportunities."

on that, everyone had paused instantly. necks slowly cranking towards the silvernette wizard who is now smiling contently.

you were of no exception, as much as you adore your...one-of-a-kind advisor, he seems to be taking the wrong direction in life.

No, we are not going to harshly scold him into giving up his interest in cooking, improvements can be made, we just need patience yes.

but, quite shamefully, this isn't a matter of time and patience, this is the matter of your lives and the capacity of acidic substances your beings can endure within the span of one meal.

It doesn't help as he would occasionally whip up a few...homemade snacks and dishes to deliver over, requesting feedback, in other sense, to eat it.

he could have taken the advantage of magic, yes, but I'm afraid that magic itself couldn't even save the mismatch of Solomon and cooking.

However, seeing the accomplishing proud smile he wore whenever he has successfully made a dish, would make anyone feel bad to crush him with reality and so they faked. that went on...and on...and on...and now to this.

Unbeknownst to the already mentally given up Simeon at the corner, sulking. The said angel has been the most unfortunate one ever since the preparations had commenced. He had been told to look after both Solomon and Luke, one to prevent from even touching a single stove and one from making way too many sweets.

He gave the table of finished goods a brief glance, sweets, cupcakes, ice cream, every single dessert that has ever existed but not a single main dish. taking up a portion of the table is the most toxic substance that has ever been made by hand in just a kitchen. the only sentence he has been repeating in his mind was, "I've failed everyone."

He wasn't as devastated as he is a few hours before, in fact, he has tried.

"Luke come over here, we should decide on the main dishes instead of the desserts. that table of sweets should be enough for a year." Simeon partially begged Luke to stop his sweet madness and on the other hand, Simeon had kept Solomon occupied with as many cooking-unrelated tasks to which Solomon, to his dismay, completed swiftly.

"You could decide on the main dish Simeon. I'm sure everyone trusts your taste."

With that, Luke resumes his half-filled cauldron of pastry. The former sighs exasperatingly, Luke is going to be the source of half of Devildom's diabetes. Though the goods taste enticing and are addicting, they contain a tad bit too much sugar.

"Luke, come on, I wouldn't have that much time to finish in time, the portion is simply beyond my capability within the span of 4 hours." Simeon had tried his best not to sound desperate and slightly infuriated, Luke is a child after all.

the latter stops whatever he was doing and shifts his head to Simeon, just when the former thought that the persuasion as worked, Luke had to chuckle lightly, "I know that cooking by hand would seem much formal and overall made from the heart but magic could be an option if in need."

That was the last strike Simeon needed before his mental breakdown. The last nail to the coffin.

"Why don't I see a single main dish on the counters?"

as if a switch flicked within the darkroom Simeon thought to be in as if he is given a second chance in life, he bounced right onto his feet. any trace of anguish in his being has gone without a trace. he, in a flash, appeared before your very eyes, on such uncalled for movement, you yelped, legs involuntarily tiptoed backwards.

Simeon who is still stuck in trance, in his moment of rebirth, stared intently at your anxious figure, his optics bore right into yours. tiny streeks of warm liquid well up in his eyes, trickling down his cheeks. "y.../n, y/n..." his lips parted slightly to ramble on your name continuously, tears falling nonstop.

as you just stared dumbfoundedly at him,  not knowing what to do. "Simeon, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Quite shameful to say but despite knowing Simeon for a few years, this has been the first time you've ever witnessed him crying. Needless to say, you were both shocked and in awe. Be it crying or mad, his angelic presence remained, he looked as alluring, even more, charming if possible.

Out of instinct, you reached both your hands out to cup his cheeks in your palms, gently wiping the wet streaks away. For the meantime, you took the moment to look around the kitchen, trying to find what made him act like this.

Having an idea what had happened you gave Simeon a gentle squeeze on his cheeks before striding deeper in the room.

"Solomon arrangements as changed, you're with me. Luke main dishes please..."

Luke could use puppy eyes on you and vice versa.

He was instantly persuaded, throwing the whatever he had aside. "S..Simeon what main dishes do you have in mind?"

Satisfied with the shift, you exchanged cheeky grins with simeon before strutting off with Solomon behind you.

"So what task do we have my adorable little pupil?" He wandered beside you, hands shoved in his pockets. It was evident that he had not even stepped foot beyond the kitchen as he hectically glanced around the allegedly plain and boring yard now shimmering with colours.

Your mind blanked at the moment, you haven't even considered the cover up in detail. Masking the crumbling feeling behind your calm demeanour and placing trust for once in your unprocessed words,

" we fuck."
1068 words

 𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃               🍓𝑜𝑏𝑒𝑦 𝑚𝑒Where stories live. Discover now