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       Stumbling mindlessly around the eerily quiet park, you hummed to yourself for the sake of keeping your sanity in tact.

Envisioning this as a late night stroll helps but only for a second as fooling your brain takes a perfect strategy considering you're using your brain to fool your own brain.

You've put together a theory in between your supposedly goalless stroll.

To find the weak spot of this dimension and trigger it, why keen on finding a loophole?

To be frank, it's kind of controversial. There's just this feeling which makes you think that this isn't an original dimension— rather a copy, clone. Yes, despite Lucifers clear statement about not being able to create one, copying one is quite possible.

The clone version isn't the original and therefore, cloned dimensions are said to usually be weaker than an original version which leads us back to the triggering plan.

A tiny tweak of lonesome invited itself into your fragile beats, sighing to yourself, "Maybe I do miss the loud and chaotic bunch."

That's when you feel a sudden pang of sharp pain right in your forehead to your nose, lastly the surface of your lips. "The hell-" aggressively rubbing the pain away from your nose, adjusting your vision back to normal in the same time.

"M?" There isn't anything in front of you, it's just another patch of land belonging to the park, stretching your hand in front of you, you hit a smooth surface. Though it is invisible.

"A border...!" Thats it, that's the answer, the loophole of this imperfect replica. "I wonder if the others are on the other side."

You slammed your palm on the surface of the border a few times, anticipating for some form of response. Receiving no response after a good few minutes, you resorted to violence, to strive to break this border down.

Logically speaking, a few of these are created, so they should be fairly weak unless this person's insane.

"I found a border, I'll try breaking it." Informing your mentor, assuming that he is—eavesdropping on everything that you say and think.

Here comes the knackering part, choosing which spell to go with. Ultimately, going for the one that explodes anything when directed towards.

Holding your index finger out, drawing a glowing line of multi-colour, extends your other fingers out, tracing the out lines of your trademark on the smooth surface.

"Hark to me spirits of three w'rlds, I summon thee f'rth, shouldst thee disobey one."

Concentrating all your thoughts, strength into the tips of the five fingers stretched so straight out, it's shocking how they retained.

Wait..what was the spell again..THINK!

"Good morning Y/N! Rise and shine! After the month of defences, I thought I ought to get you started with combats—offensives. Are you excited?" The irritating vibration you felt around your figure woke you, grumbling in utter annoyance. "I'll Avada Kedavra you, lizard looking chipmunk."

Skillfully slamming a pillow right in the face of the heartless culprit who shook you awake from your beauty dream of Levi Ackerman finally glancing at you, as well as acknowledging your presence.

"OOF-" the anonymous person tumbles backwards. Dozing off again, stuffing your face in the coziness of the huge pillow that Solomon specifically chose for you.

Just right before the moment you sunk back in the comfort of the softness, you feel the warmth of your sheets leaving your skin, twitching slightly at the sudden decrease in temperature.

The tinkling zephyr skidding along your revealed limbs, though the tinkles did not stay for long. Yiu engulfed in a swirl of warmth and the comforting scent of a particular cologne you chose for your mentor.

"Gosh, the smack was harsh, what are you going to do if you ruined this pretty face Hm?" The gentle whisper he spoke with not matching the words he teased you with.

"Did you just assume your old wrinkled face is pretty? Your skin is so dry it's going to crumble, even Asmo's skincare routine can't help you at all." Rubbing your sleepiness away.

"Oh dear me, did you just call me old and wrinkled? I have a fan club back in Devildom alright?"

"Yea? Well I'm not part of it." Knowing damned well you've won this battle, 1 y/n 0 Solomon. Stretching your arms out, unbeknownst the position both of you are in.

A exasperated sigh escaping his thin lips, "you aren't?" He growled, shrinking the space between both your countenances.

Cognising the cushiness under your thighs and the unusual warmth emanating from it. Glancing downwards, shortly aware of the closeness in between, the heat of both mixes and matches, greatly increasing the temperature.

After the nonplussing perception, blood flushed in your cheeks, the warmth within, concerning. The butterflies in your stomach swirling so rapidly it felt nauseous. The lack of oxygen you seem to be receiving played tricks in your mind, as it turns blank.

Making good use of the last conscious braincells within your malfunctioning brain, deliberately shifting your e/c orbs into his saxe-blue ones, momentarily loosing control over every limp attached. After what seems like hours of you trancing in his mesmerising orbs, you took the prompt, biting your lower lip, returning back to your sense.

Shuffling uncomfortably in which he took the hint and backs away, the cold breeze grazes along your features.

(Wrong scene in the wrong time. Not me putting these lovey-dicey shit in the middle of an intense—moment??)

His usual shady smile inviting itself back onto his sublime visage, "Y/N 1 Solomon 1."

Huffing in annoyance of your mentor pulling such dirty trick, "I'd like to blow you into bits." Taking that in consideration, "explosive charms that is!" Clapping his hands with contentment.

"Before you attempt homicide, we need to get your foundation and skills sentiment." Fidgeting with his favourite pair of glasses, "Then, we work with the intensity, power level— range, aggressiveness and etc."

You remained composed at the poor planning your mentor put together, feeling a certain amount of preassure, "Im just trying to kill my own teacher, does it take that much steps?" Groaning at his smug grin.

"blow this wall to bits." He pointed towards a tall building, which unfortunately, has people inside doing their job. "The whole thing into bits, not a single piece is as big as 5 cm wide and long." He continued, seriously.

Arching an eyebrow at him, "There's living people in that shit." Is your mentor telling you to hold a massacre right here? Under the day light and gazes of other people?

"If you have complete control over your level of explosion then it would only blow one wall away, it should be fine with three walls still in tact." He explained, nonchalantly crossing his arms together.

"Surely, you're not going to risk lives of a thousand poor souls." You narrowed your eyes at his smile which gets wider and wider each second. "You're going to pressure me in order to increase the success rate?" Absolutely bewildered at your mentors resolves, you rolled your eyes so hard, there was a moment when you thought your orbs are going to be stuck there permanently.

"I See we have this mutual understanding." Giggling eerily, "Say these words after me,


Sorry for the under-decorated look of this chapter, I realised I was way behind schedule so i posted the chapter first.

 𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃               🍓𝑜𝑏𝑒𝑦 𝑚𝑒Where stories live. Discover now