Chapter Fourteen

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Smoke. Smoke. Smoke.

Niall and I ran around our room trying to pack as much clothes and needed essentials as possible. I grabbed my suitcase and shoved as many clothes as i could in it. Niall was doing the same when we were done we ran to the door and felt it, it didn't seem hot so we opened it and a puff of smoke hit us square in the face.

"Did you call the fir department?" I caughed.

"Yeah, Liam did." He grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall we ran to the door opened it and we fell out, gasping for clean air. I look frantically around for Beth and the boys.

"There." Niall said pointing across the street where the boys and Beth were standing. I ran up to Beth just as the fire department came and started putting out the fire. I hugged Beth with all my might, not knowing what will happen next to us. The next thing we did was pile into Paul's car as he drove up in a frenzy.

"Is everyone alright?!" He asked us.

We nodded and Beth called her mom to tell her about the fire. Beth's mom was scared at first since her daughter was in a fire, but then she relaxed when she knew that everyone was alright. She was on her way over now.

Paul went to go talk to the fire chief and left us in the car.

"What even happened?" I asked confused.

"Well, I was the first one to wake up and smell the smoke." Liam started. "i then quickly went to take a look at the source of the smell, but i couldn't locate it. I ran up to Louis, room yelled at him to get up, then Zayn's room, then Harry's and Beth's and then you and Niall. I called the fire department immediately, and quickly got all my valuables."

I nodded.

"S'what now?" Beth asked. Just then the fire chief came up to us.

"Hello, Miss Callie?" He asked. Beth put up her hand.

"That's me."

"Ah hello, nice to meet you. Well I'm sorry that this happened to you all. We haven't yet found out the source of the fire, so we think this fire could have been set on purpose by someone." Who would want to do that? "A few houses down around the block had a fire happen a few days ago as well, so we expect it to be the same person. They set the fire by your back porch that leads into the kitchen. Either than that, luckily your bedrooms are not majorly damaged as long with the living room. You will all still need to find a place to stay while this mess gets cleaned up." Beth nods and the chief walks away. Who would want to hurt us...

A few minutes later Beth's mom drives up. I could tell that Beth was very nervous and she didn't know how her mom was going to take it. She had tears rolling down her cheeks when she went to go explain everything to her mom. After talking they hugged each other and Lauren (Beth's mom) and Beth came over to us.

"Hello everyone." Lauren said.

"Hello, we are so sorry about this!" Liam said.

"You don't have to be sorry for anything sweetie. It's not like you knew that this fire was supposed to happen." Lauren said. "Now Beth told me that you all have to find places now, will you boys be able to go back to the hotel?" She asked.

"Well about that.." Paul said coming up behind her. "he fans are STILL waiting for the boys even though, but some fans have found us here too with all this commotion going on."

The boys sighed. Yes they love their fans but they love to have time to themselves, when they aren't on tour.

"I have an idea!" Niall said.

"Go on then Nialler." Paul replied. Awe he even calls them by their nicknames!

"How about the boys, Beth, Ella, and I all buy a house together and stay there? Lauren could rent a place for the time being, until she is allowed back into the house." Niall explained.

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