Irish Boys

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Chapter 86: Irish Boys

Gus was just dropping some evidence off with Haylen, the overeager young woman serving as a willing pawn for Gus' cold cases, when Lindsay caught her.

"You have been impossible to get a hold of, lady," Lindsay said, rushing up to her.

Gus stopped and turned to face her friend. It was true, she had ducked Lindsay's calls lately, the least reason being she was not able to see the happy couple so damn happy now that Danny was walking again and Lucy being the perfect, cute baby. "Yeah, I've been busy."

Lindsay cocked her head to the side, a teasing grin on her face, "with what, or should I ask who?"

Gus bit her lip, she had been tempted to reveal her romps with Flack and her more recent tailing of him to her friend so many times, but couldn't face the judgment, or worse pity. "Just work."

"There haven't been that many homicides, and you are allowed a night off now and again."

Nights off she spent trying to find Flack at whatever watering hole he had found that night before he did something stupid without him realizing she was following him. Except for one meal with Mac and Reed she had been a recluse.

"I was thinking since Danny is sort of back on his feet, we could get together with Stella. How long has it been since we had a good old-fashioned girls night, I mean it's been since before-" Lindsay cut off, freezing as she realized what she was about to say.

She took in Gus' abrupt change in posture and how her eyes glazed over. Quickly, she dragged Gus into the women's locker room, shooing a couple of techs out with her newly minted mom glare. She motioned for Gus to sit down on the bench, which she did easily.

Gus slumped on the bench, realizing she had been a horrible friend to everyone else while trying to be a lifeline for Flack. She couldn't remember the last time she had been out for fun, in public.

"Sweetie, what is going on with you?" Lindsay asked, brushing Gus' hair back over her shoulders.

Gus shrugged, "It's just been tough, tougher than I thought it would be, maybe then it should be. What do I have to wallow about, it wasn't my perfect girlfriend that got shot."

She dropped her head to her hands, feeling miserable. Sadly, this was a nice break from only feeling angry, guilty, worried or nothing.

Lindsay patted her on the back. "You have every right to be upset, you almost got killed. You did get shot, even if you didn't have the bullet wounds. Plus, this happened barely after you recovered from almost getting your throat slit by a madman and being in the hospital for how long? Not to mention, I know you have tried to make sure Flack doesn't do something stupid, despite him being a jerk to you."

"He's not that much of a jerk, he's grieving," Gus said, scuffing her shoes against the floor before giving Lindsay a sidelong glance.

Lindsay rolled her eyes, "I'm not arguing. Have you talked anyone?" Gus shook her head. "Your doctor? Mac? Stella? Sheldon?"

Gus shook her head after each one. "I can't have anything on my file, and y'all have dealt with the shooting as well, both in the diner and in the bar, I can't put that burden on anyone."

Lindsay contemplated things for a moment, "what about Jimmy Doyle?"

"What do you mean what about Jimmy Doyle?"

Lindsay sighed, "I mean it was his vest that saved you right?"

Gus head shot up, looked at her like a deer in headlights. She hadn't told anyone other than Adam whose vest it was and she doubted he told anyone.

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