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Chapter 11: Laughable

Gus continued to struggle with cold cases, but she was luckily able to clear enough to keep Daddino and the brass happy.

She was also able to convince Dr. Lyons that three sessions was more than a little excessive seeing as she was not suicidal nor was she have a psychotic break. He agreed and cut her down to two sessions a week and down to the normal fifty minute variety.

"Well that's progress" she joked, "and if you tell me to use my feeling words, I will shove one of them down your throat."

"Client still exhibits aggressive tendencies and may benefit from anger management" the psychiatrist mocked writing a note. "Seriously though, detective, you are very insightful for a law enforcement officer, must be your psychologist coming out."

"See ya in a couple of days, doc" Gus said, leaving his office and heading back to the precinct. Stuck in a cab in the middle of traffic, because if the department was going to force her to continue with these sessions, she sure as hell was going to charge cab rides to them, her phone started buzzing.

"Broussard" she answered.

"Hey, it's Flack."

"Hey, what's up?" Gus replied, trying to ignore the flutter in her stomach.

"There's a guy here looking for you. Apparently he has some information on one of your cold cases. You want me to stick him in a questioning room?"

"Did he say what case? I didn't set up any appointments today, at least I don't think I did" Gus scrolled through her calendar to confirm this.

"He just walked in. They sent him up here, I found the file on your desk. Alexander Robbins. Case from 2005. Sanchez is on the DB-5, but he is off this week."

"Awesome" Gus quipped, "I am stuck in traffic, but yeah, park him somewhere, and I will get out of the damn cab and walk if I have to."

"Don't have to go that far, I saw what shoes you were wearing today" Flack snarked.

"Hey, now, junior, when a girl is stuck on cold cases, she can wear whatever footwear she wants, no matter how field inappropriate," Gus volleyed back, looking down at her near stilettos.

"Just as long as you ain't dressing up for your shrink, sunshine," Flack smirked.

"Just because I know all the tricks, doesn't mean I am going to use them, and don't make me regret telling you about my shrink, blue eyes," Gus said with a laugh, but then flushed as she realized she was being far more familiar than she wanted to be.

"Just sit on him for me, Flack, and I will be there asap. Cabbie, move this hunk a junk would ya?" she called as she pushed the end button on her phone.

"I didn't mean literally sit on him!" Gus proclaimed after she had rapped on the glass to get Flack out of the questioning room, where he had been looming over the nervous looking man inside.

"Sorry about that. Didn't want him to pull a runner," he said, watching Gus enter the room and watching the man's reaction. Feeling suddenly territorial, Flack followed Gus into the room as she slid across from the 'witness' and whipped out a pen.

"You look more like a lawyer than a cop," the man said.

"Don't insult me, buddy, I just got out of a mess of traffic and I am not in the mood" Gus drawled, shooting Flack a 'what the hell are doing in here' look.

"Just tell the pretty lady what you told me, Norman" Flack said from over the man's shoulder.

Gus read the notation on the file, apparently the guy's name was Jeremy Norman and he wanted to...confess? Gus blinked her eyes a couple of times to clear them, seriously? Flack clapped a hand on Jeremy's shoulder.

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