French Revolt

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Chapter 60: French Revolt

"What, you just can't have a normal day off? Go shopping, get your nails done, be a girl for once?" Daddino griped as she checked in with him at the station. "You've been back on unmodified duty for what, two weeks. Go home, take a couple of days and stay the hell out of trouble, Broussard!"

Gus stormed out of Daddino's office, running straight into Flack. "What are you doing back here, sunshine?"

"Nothing, apparently! Coached benched me. Freaking again," Gus tried to push past him but Flack didn't budge.

"And he should have, don't think I didn't see you rubbing your ribs back there. I'm guessing you didn't tell Daddino about that neither. Take a couple of days, rest up, you ain't gonna do anyone any good otherwise."

"Fine, but you gotta move so I can get home." Gus avoided his gaze, but Flack reached up under her chin tilting it up to him.

"I mean it, I won't tell anyone, but don't come back until you know you are ready." His gaze was intense enough to send a shiver through Gus, she almost went weak at the knees. Unable to form words, she merely nodded until he removed his hand and stepped aside.

As much as it pained her to admit it, Flack and Daddino were right. She needed to be in top form on the job, especially if she had to chase anyone down in the field. She had enough working against her with the fact that most suspects outweighed and out muscled her, let alone her own body failing her.

She returned to work only to have Parker tease her mercilessly and to find Flack in a foul mood over a case involving an old assistant ME.

Gus stood over his desk, her hand on her hip."What is it with you lately, practically every time I see you, you have a scowl on your face!"

Flack looked around at the detectives in the pit. "Walk with me?"

Gus shrugged and followed him to the break room down the hall, Flack looked in to see if it was empty before stepping in. Gus wondered why he was being so cautious.

Flack finally started to speak, "Pino was here for a long time, before you got here, and you know how they are up in the lab, it's like a family. Hawkes can't wrap his head around the fact that this guy may have offed his wife, dragged me out of the interview like I don't know how to do my job. In the meantime, the only thing I have to go on is some guy in a baseball cap and sunglasses that pulled a runner on me earlier."

Gus gave a half snort, "and we all know how much you love runners."

"Yeah well," Flack gave a shrug, "and Jess has got this thing going with Stella about that damn Greek guy and I am not sure it is all above board-" he broke off, looking like he had said too much. "You'll keep that between just us, right?"

"No, Flack, I'm going to run and tell my uncle. Jesus, that's as bad as when I first got here on psych. Do you really think that little of me or do you just not trust me anymore?" Gus asked, beyond annoyed.

Flack sighed heavily, "it's not that, I'm not saying...damn it, Gus, you and I gotta figure this out if we are gonna-" he broke off, his phone buzzing. He talked for a bit before tersely ending the call. "Finally, I got some movement."

He strode out, Gus following close behind as he walked over to the cabinet where their vests were stored."You and I are going to have a nice long talk, sunshine, but first I gotta go find some scumbag with an itchy trigger figure at a massage parlor." He pulled one out and shot a look at Gus with his eyebrows raised.

"Nice long talk, got it. But, Don, be careful, okay?" She looked at him with such concern that Flack could only nod in response.

It was not until the next night before paths crossed Flack's again, and once more he was headed to the vest cabinet.

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