The Avenue

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Chapter 66: Maggie Don't Two-Step

Gus woke up, her phone buzzing next to her head. She rubbed her eyes, seeing her uncle's number come up on the screen. She answered, listening as Mac asked about Dunbrook's financial records. "Yeah, I pulled them all, it's a lot of information though Mac, like a LOT. I flagged a couple of things, but nothing panned out. I'll send it right to you."

She yawned and stretched, quickly realizing she was not going to be able to get back to sleep. At least she had gotten a few good hours. She showered and changed, heading back to the precinct as the sun was setting and everyone else was leaving work. Such was the life of a homicide detective.

Gus was attempting to peer into the pit to see if Angell was around without being seen.

"You're safe, Princess, Angell got called out hours ago, saved Donnie boy from getting his ear bent," Parker said, coming up behind her.

Gus jumped, but quickly thanked Parker for the info. She entered the pit seeing Flack already sitting at his desk.

"You are wearing a different suit, so I think you went home, but did you give me a lecture on sleeping and not do so yourself, Flack?" Gus asked, walking up to his desk.

"I got a couple of hours, all I needed. You look better."

"What are you saying about how I looked before?" Gus teased.

Flack grinned, "nuh-uh, not touching that one with a ten foot pole."

Gus was about to retort when both their phones started buzzing. "Damn it!" they swore in unison as the message popped up on both their phones.

"Johnson was in an accident and is asking for Mac, are you freaking kidding me?" Gus yelped.

"Call Mac, let's get out there," Flack said, already pulling on his jacket.

Gus knew from the second they arrived on scene that Johnson wasn't going to make it, but Mac was able to get there in time to speak to the man. She had felt out of the loop since arriving at the original scene, so much of what was happening involving Dunbrook and old cases had happened while she was undercover.

"This case sucks!" she said on the way back to the precinct after Agent Johnson had been pronounced dead at the scene after the first responders pulled him from the car.

"All I know is that way too many things are connected and we aren't figuring out much through good old fashioned detective work. Hopefully the lab rats are doing better than us," Flack replied as they pulled around back, "and until then we wait."

"I think I miss my cold cases," Gus whimpered as they waited to hear back from either Mac and the FBI or Stella and the gun that had been found in Dunbrook's office earlier in the day.

"What and miss out on all this excitement?" Flack said sarcastically, gesturing to the empty pit.

"Oh wait, Stella has something for us on the gun!" Gus exclaimed looking at her phone, "she needs us to track down Dunbrook's alibi for the night what's that property clerk's name, Kevin Cross was killed. Apparently she got a ballistics match."

Flack was already on it, looking a little to forward to waking up the media mogul in the middle of the night. Gus felt worse about waking up the poor maid who answered the door and looked like she had just been to bed and smelled mainly of silver polish.. Dunbrook let his annoyance show clearly with both of them, attempting to threaten both their jobs, but Flack stared him down.

"You might not like his kid, but I can't say I am Dunbrook's biggest fan," Flack said with a scowl as they left empty handed.

"Of course he was over in Connecticut giving a talk at Yale, of course he was and had a million photographs to prove it. I am going back to hating this case now!" Gus grumbled.

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