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Chapter 63: Drama

Gus attempted to enjoy her couple of days of before the next rotation, but found it difficult since the lab was on a separate schedule and everyone was busy working. Not to mention Lindsay was still in Montana, though she was able to somewhat rehash her talk with Flack over the phone.

"You told him you still loved him?" Lindsay squeaked out.

"Well it is the truth," Gus sighed.

"I just can't believe he wouldn't give you another chance."

Gus snorted, "I think your pregnancy hormones are making you crazy, or being married has turned you soft. I broke him, Linds, why would Don even contemplate taking me back when he has someone a million times better than me waiting for him without any drama?"

Lindsay tutted at her friend, wanting things to work out for her and Flack. They were a good team, at work and outside of it, they both full of light and life when they had been together, something that had dimmed in both of them since Gus had left and come back. "Angell is just a shiny new toy, he'll get tired of her eventually and come to his senses. Or she'll get bored with him, you know how she is."

"But she's never had Don!" Gus protested.

"Who says she really has him now? Let him get this out of his system, he'll come around now that he knows the truth!"

"As I said, pregnancy hormones. Would you hurry up and come home?"

"I will, promise, Gus. I thought it would be great to be back here, but my parents are driving me crazy with all their fretting."

"Poor Lindsay, getting waited on hand and foot, crying you a river."

"Seriously, it is annoying. What about Stella?" Lindsay asked, realizing that the trio hadn't had a girls night in forever regardless of her pregnancy and that neither woman had mentioned seeing each other.

"Oh, didn't you hear, she also left me for the incomparable Jessica Angell, they are like so BFFs now. Or are least working on some super secret case I'm not supposed to know anything about because I will tattle tale to my uncle." Gus rolled her eyes.

Lindsay was rolling hers as well, but for a different reason. "Gus, hate does not become you, sweetie. And this is not the hormones talking, but I think you need to get laid and get things out of your system."

"Sure, Lindsay, because I have such a line of suitors coming a calling," Gus drawled.

"Just think about it. Look, I have to go, but chin up and we'll chat again soon. Good luck on your rotation."

"Thanks, I feel like I'll need it."

Gus arrived early for her shift, wanting to steel her nerves before working with Flack. The pit was nearly empty, which helped immensely. Parker had left a couple of donuts on her desk, something she realized was a great sacrifice for the man. She was had just taken a small bite of one when Daddino exited his office, a scowl on his face.

"Oh good, you're early, where the hell is everyone?" he said, walking over and stealing the box.

Gus knew better than to protest, working on swallowing her bite of donut and wishing she had eaten something more before coming in. "What's up, Loo?"

"This just came in on the tip line and unless someone has a sick sense of humor, looks like we need to get over there on the double. Since everyone else seems to be MIA, call Flack and have meet you over there. If it is an actual DB, get the crime lab on it ASAP." Daddino turned his tablet toward her so Gus could see the body splayed on the screen.

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