Listen To What I Say

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5: Listen to What I Say

Two weeks later, Gus was crammed on a plane headed back "home."

She didn't care that the world's largest man who hadn't taken a shower this century was her seat mate, nor did she care that there was a baby crying directly behind her because she was headed back to New York, with a job.

Mind you that job involved a pay cut and was working with the movie unit on a probationary period, but she was getting her badge back. Gus could only hope she could get some semblance of her life back.

Touching down at JFK, Gus sped off the plane and waited impatiently for her bag, catching sight of a familiar face in the crowd. Brown eyes met hers and a smile spread across both there faces, "Shel!don," she called rushing over to him.

"Lindsay was going to come, but she got called out," he said after giving Gus a quick hug, "That's all you got?" he said pointing at her one medium suitcase.

"I travel light," Gus volleyed back.

"So how are things?" Sheldon asked carefully once they were in the department SUV.

"Er, um, I'm not sure," Gus finally stumbled out, "I feel like I had the worst and costliest summer vacation ever."

Sheldon laughed, "Well, we are glad you are back, even if you are being shipped off to Siberia."

"Supposedly it is temporary, I hope so" Gus responded with an eye roll as they pulled up to her building.

Sheldon saw Gus' face change, storm clouds passing across her eyes, "You want me to come up?"

"I'm a big girl, I'll be good. I'll see you tomorrow" Gus called slipping out of the car.

Gus let herself into her apartment. It smelled stale and closed up. The air seemed heavy and matched her mood as she looked around. Mail was piled high on the table, Mrs. Potter more than happy to have brought it in.

The living room seemed huge with no couch in it and her book cases looked liked a mouth with missing teeth with Flack's items removed. Sighing she decided to just change into pajamas and head to bed early.

Stopping in her doorway, sobs once again racked her body as she realized she didn't have a bed or a bed partner anymore.

Gus stared up at 1PP feeling about as lost as she had two years ago, but at least having some clue as to where she was going this time. Of course she wasn't going to get the same warm welcome she did back then, but at least she was back.

Gus checked in with her new lieutenant, who gave Gus her gun and credentials back with little fanfare as he handed out her assignment. "No uniform?" Gus asked with great relief.

"Nope, have you listed as on leave, you didn't loose rank or time. Plus you were working with the NOPD, weren't you?" the lieutenant asked.

Gus nodded, happy to still be on an upward career track, but also confused by the news. As far as she had heard from Stella and Daddino, Gus had quit and was listed as a re-hire. Had someone pulled strings? It couldn't have been Mac, he had been in London and still was.

"Did you get swamp water in your ears or something, Broussard?" her lieutenant snapped.

"Sorry, sir," Gus said, bringing herself back into the real world.

"Whatever. Just so you know, you don't get the perks of a partner over here in the Unit," he smirked.

Gus felt her blood boil, but she should have known there would be more than a few comments made. Hell, considering there had been such a wide pool on her and Flack, Gus could only assume that news of her bolting and Flack moving out had reached just as wide.

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