Get Out of My Way

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Chapter 27: Jenny Says

"Broussard," she answered her phone sticking up her finger for Paul to excuse her for a minute.

"Gus, where have you been all day, you wouldn't believe this case", Sheldon chattered over the line.

"A little issue with brass, but what's up?" Gus replied, her interest piqued.

"The naked guy from this morning is none other than Dr. Browning."

"The math and physics guy who won all those awards?"

"One in the same and Sid found a microchip in his hand and a needle connecting both hemispheres of his brain during the autopsy and that led us to his workshop where we found...are you ready for this?"

Gus waited a beat and then urged him on, "Shel, come on, just tell me!"

"A time machine. Which didn't help your boy Flack being convinced that Dr. Browning needed to be in a straight-jacket, in addition to him wanting to haul Kevin Murray back in."

"My boy? Besides there is a fine line between genius and insanity," Gus replied.

Sheldon laughed, "Which is exactly what Mac said."

"Great," Gus huffed. Paul looked at her curiously. Gas mouthed, "new case." Paul nodded and went back to his notepad.

"We're thinking the needle may have helped his genius out in addition to giving him seizures and hallucinations."

"Explaining the insanity and time travel belief," Gus said, picking up Sheldon's train of thought.

She saw Paul write something on the pad and underline it before holding it up to her, 'TIME TRAVEL?' it read. Gus held up her finger again.

Sheldon continued, "I am going to talk to the dean, you want to come with me? I know you know your way around the politics of academia."

"I would love to Sheldon, but I am kind of working with Public Information right now, but I want to hear all about this...and before it gets to the press, okay, Shel?" Gus said, pleading.

"PI, what did you do?"

"Long story I am sure you will hear about soon enough. Or Flack can fill you in."

Sheldon laughed, "knowing you, this is going to be entertaining. And I don't know if the press will even care about this case if they get wind of the case Stella was telling me about."

Gus stiffened, "what kind of case is Stella working on?"

"I haven't talked with her too much on it, but something about a girl orgasming to death in the middle of Katz's. I think Angell pulled the case."

"You are kidding me!"Gus exclaimed, her eyes going wide.

"Can't make any of this stuff up, Gus", Sheldon said before hanging up.

"Time travel?" Paul asked as soon as she hung up the phone.

"Yeah, but that's the back burner story, I guarantee. Seems a girl was found dead in the middle of Katz's Deli and the story is she orgasmed to death, only in New York right?" Gus rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to call the detective of record and get you the scoop to run with."

"Can you get it to me before the evening news does?" Paul asked with wide eyes.

"I'm not a miracle worker, but I will see what I can do," Gus answered.

"I am pretty sure you could work a miracle or two," Paul flirted with her.

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