Running Into You

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Chapter 77: Running Into You

She had barely been home, having just showered and dried her hair after her latest booty call with Flack when her phone rang, her Loo calling her early on a Saturday she was supposed to have off. Gus immediately knew something was going on. "Loo, what's up?" she answered, her voice on edge.

"Broussard, I didn't wake you?" Daddino seemed surprised.

"Nope," she answered, already dressing as she waited for him to come out with it.

"You aren't drunk are you?" he asked, worrying about her answer.

Gus contemplated her state for a moment, "no, sir."

"I need you out in the field. Shooting downtown."

"I thought I was on cold cases," she protested.

"You were, but that was before your Uncle decided to go all cowboy with that Messer kid and we got ourselves a dead Jane Doe."

"What? Gus tried to process what he was telling her.

"Haven't even gotten to the best part yet, seems like your boy Flack has decided he is done with being on leave as soon as he heard who was involved and is already on scene. I suggest you get your ass down there ASAP."

Gus did as she was instructed, arriving at the high-rise as quickly as possible, running into both Mac and Flack in the lobby. "What the hell?" was her greeting to both of them.

Mac stared at her for a long beat, not sure how to reply. "Just get back to me on the guard and the security cameras, Flack. Good morning, Augusta."

"Is it, Uncle Mac?" Gus called to his back as he walked away.

Flack leaned against the desk in the lobby of the building, raising his eyebrows at her. "Why are you here?" she asked in response, her brow furrowed in annoyance and confusion.

"Nice of you to show up, sunshine," Flack shot back, sarcasm full in his voice.

"Pardon me, for thinking about crazy things like sleep on my day off after-" she cut off, realizing the security guard taking in their exchange. "Never mind, what the hell is going on with Mac and Danny and why were they here?"

Flack filled her in on the phone call Danny had received on the tip line from the Jane Doe, a lead on the bar shooting from the month before. "Seems her brother, Jake, was involved, but that is about all we know about her. Security guard by the name of Albert Pelton is also missing. Not a hell of a lot to go on until the geek squad gets finished up there," he gestured above his head.

"Missing persons looped in on Pelton?" Gus asked, trying to stay professional, despite the fact that she was thinking Flack shouldn't be back at work and lost in thought on how he looked naked on his couch just a few hours before.

Flack nodded, "yeah, they are checking in with his wife now." He cut a look over at the guard at the bank of monitors, leading the other man to scurry away. "I can't keep doing what I've been doing. Like I told Mac, I'm better at work."

"I see," Gus replied icily, assuming Flack was telling her that their sleeping together over the past few weeks had been a mistake. Of course it had been, but Gus wasn't ready to hear him admit to it.

They stared at each other a long moment before Gus broke away. "I'm going to go upstairs and see how things are going." She turned on heel without giving him a chance to respond.

She arrived upstairs in time to catch Adam being lightly teased by Lindsay to process the scene. "What's up with Ross?" she asked as he danced away.

Lindsay shrugged, "I don't know, must have had his Wheaties, he's been on cloud nine lately was beginning to think maybe you two took me up-"

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