Man On The Run

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Chapter 20: Man On The Run

Morning ended up being sooner rather than later, as Gus was awakened by a flurry of sirens seemingly next to her head and her phone simultaneously ringing. "Broussard, you okay?" her Lieutenant's voice barked over the line.

Gus flew into action, pulling on clothes before responding, "I think so. What's going on, Loo?" "

The gang hit again, in your 'hood, turn your radio on and get dressed" he barked.

"Gotcha," Gus said, hanging up, turning on her radio and pulling her hair back up.

"All units be advised, patrols in pursuit of a black sports sedan, last seen driving away from a burglary at 256 Gramercy" the radio squawked.

"256 Gramercy what? Gus called agitatedly, holstering her weapon and flying down the stairs of her building.

"West, Suspect vehicle heading southbound on Park Ave", the dispatcher replied.

"Heading straight for the Midtown Tunnel, I bet," Gus mused, stopping short at the crowd of elderly people in their nightclothes standing in the lobby.

"Oh thank goodness, Augusta, dear, please tell us what is going on," Mrs. Potter said latching onto Gus.

"There is nothing for y'all to worry about. Please go back into your apartments.

"But we just saw a bunch of police cars fly right past, did something bad happen?"

Gus knew that news would travel fast, but it was also part of an ongoing investigation. Regardless, she knew more than one little old man in the building also had a police scanner and it was a building full of early risers.

"There was a burglary on the West side, no one was hurt and they are chasing the suspects car. I can't tell you anything more, as it is an ongoing investigation. Speaking of which, I have to get to work."

The crowd looked at her for a long moment, like expectant children and then finally dispersed, shuffling back to their various apartments mumbling about what good did it do to have a detective in the building if you couldn't get the inside scoop.

Gus was trudging across the park from her building on East 20th when her phone rang again. "Broussard" she answered expecting Daddino or Sinclair.

"Just checking in," came Flack's voice.

"Just checking in, better be glad I wasn't asleep" Gus retorted, but couldn't keep the smile out of her voice.

"The spy gang hits less than a block from your place, didn't think they would be letting you sleep," Flack retorted.

"They didn't, mind you I was sleeping like a baby when Daddino called" Gus sniffed.

"Ah, poor thing" Flack said unconvincingly.

"You coming out?" Gus asked, trying to remain nonchalant and debating if she should duck back into her place depending on the answer.

"Yeah, as soon as I shower. Major Case is angling for this thing, and Sinclair very well may give it to them," Flack said.

"But you want in, don't you?" Gus picked up on what Flack was leaving out.

"Hell yeah, it is the closest I'll ever get to being a spy," Flack sounded like an excited boy.

Gus couldn't help but laugh, "I'll go beat them off then. See ya when you get here" she said hanging up.

Gus arrived at the stoop of the building, where a crowd was already forming. A normally quiet block, the sirens and car chase had brought out most of the neighborhood, or so it seemed to Gus as she pushed her way through.

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