Mercy Land

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Chapter 52: Senseless

Gus arrived back down in the pit, Parker waiting on her at the elevator. "I don't know what the broad wants, she wouldn't tell me. I don't think you are in trouble, kid, but she sure is hot to trot to talk to you and seeing as it is Christmas Eve, I figured it had to be important. Look, I gotta go, Anne is waiting outside for me with the kids, but lemme know if you need anything."

Gus waved Parker off, wishing him well and headed out to see what the Deputy Inspector wanted. She caught sight of Angell heading out, and tried not to be happy that Flack was still seated at his desk.

"Deputy Inspector Whitford, so sorry to keep you waiting, I didn't know you would be stopping by," Gus said as she made her way to her desk and saw the woman standing somewhat awkwardly by her desk and the surrounding piles of boxes.

"Call me Gillian, please, Deputy Inspector is a ridiculous mouthful. Are these all case that have gone cold?" Gillian gestured at the stacks and piles.

Gus nodded, "Sadly, yes. But thanks to the advances in the lab, with a little digging and fresh eyes, many of them can become active again."

"Ah the advances of science, and tenacious young detectives, I am thankful for both. That tenacity is why I am here, in fact. I was hoping we could speak in private, Detective Broussard."

"Certainly, though I am supposed to be on desk duty for the pit, er, homicide squad, right now, ma'am." Gus shifted nervously, wondering what brass wanted with her now.

Hopefully not to put her back in Public Information or something horrible like that again. She thought she had been doing well, keeping her nose down in cold cases and mostly following everyone's orders. Sure her personal life was a sideshow, but her professional one was on track.

Flack, of course, proved to still be her knight in shining armor, coming over to the pair and offering to step in. "I've got it, Detective Broussard, I'm on third shift, switched with Lafferty."

"I am sure your mother loved that," Gus remarked, with a small smile.

"She'll get over it, just likes to complain, I'll see her later. Go on." Flack motioned with his chin towards Daddino's now empty office.

"This way then, Deputy...Gillian," Gus said, leading the way.

"You seem to have a good working relationship with the detectives here in homicide," Gillian remarked as they both sat in the chairs facing Daddino's desk.

Gus was put at ease by the fact that the other woman did not take the power seat she was entitled to, but almost choked on her commentary.

"Most of the time, I like to think so at least," Gus replied with a nervous laugh.

Gillian responded with a light laugh of her own, trying to put the younger woman's fears to rest. "I am certain you are wondering why I am here. I know you have been reassigned somewhat sporadically based on personnel and other issues."

Gus felt her muscles tighten, waiting to see where she was getting shuffled off to now. She was the first to admit she certainly had jumped around a lot in the department since coming here that fateful fall day in 2005, but that didn't mean she enjoyed it.

After narrowly escaping Shirazi, she was more than happy to stay among the cold cases, even if she did have a touch of cabin fever. Gus could only nod in reply, afraid to speak and make matters worse.

"But I've also looked at your file and based on your case closure rate when partnered with Detective Flack and your exchange with the NOPD, homicide is certainly your forte." Gillian crossed recrossed her legs, giving away her trepidation.

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