32. The Battle of Hogwarts

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Every part of her body was horribly trembling.

- I'm scared, Hermione -. Felicity said as she squeezed her hand.

The entire world was about to fall apart and they were right in the eye of the storm. 

Hermione looked at her and Felicity saw how her facial expression was showing the same emotion as hers: panic, but Hermione was making an effort to not be that obvious and share comfort to Felicity. 

- Me too -. She said and squeezed her hand too.- But we'll be alright, I... 

- You know we can't make promises at this point, so please don't say it... -. Felicity said, nervously.- But we could make an effort to not let go each other's hand -.

- Okay -. Hermione responded, and Felicity heard how her voice trembled. 

It was now impossible to stop the war. Voldemort made himself present in everyone's head and advised to deliver Harry to him or everyone would die in change. Almost everyone disagreed and decided to fight, except the Slytherins, obviously.

But it was different to decide to fight than being actually in the middle of the battle. 

There will be death no matter from which side. Felicity preferred to die first than see Hermione die in front of her eyes and do nothing to stop it. 

There was no barrier able to stop the Dark Lord. Not even the strongest spell would kill him, and the only person that was able to put an end to it was currently dead. Harry had to make sacrifices to end with it, but it was also terrifying what he would have to do to reach peace.

As Ron and Harry got closer to them, Felicity noted a restless tick on Harry's expression and she felt more anxious.

- We need to do something -. Harry said, his hands were terribly shaking.- We need to go to the Chamber of Secrets -.

- What? Why? -. Felicity asked, horrified with the idea of going back to where Ginny and Harry almost died five years ago.

- We need to destroy the Hufflepuff cup and for that...

- We need the Basilisk's fangs to destroy it -. Ron completed the phrase.

- Bloody hell -. Felicity said and felt how her panic was increasing.

- Two of us can go -. Ron said and expected someone to answer.

- Why don't you two go? -. Hermione said.

- I need to stay up here and see if Voldemort finally shows up -. Harry responded and sounded impatient.- I need to end this -.

- Hermione, would you come with me? -. Ron asked, nervously and hoping for her to agree.

- I won't leave Fel, not again -.

- Come on! We are just going after some fangs and we'll leave quickly! -. He complained. 

- Alright! You two go! -. Felicity said and looked at Hermione who was staring at her worried.- Please be careful, I'll be up here, don't worry -.

Hermione nodded and gave Felicity a kiss on her cheek. 

As she saw them leave, she wasn't able to hide feeling how getting separated from Hermione was more horrible now that at any minute everything will probably blow up and she wasn't there to protect her.

- Come on -. Harry said and they both walked in the opposite direction. 

There were younger years running together to hide somewhere they won't be attacked, other students that were older than theme running quickly here and there looking for someone, or a place to be safe, which was highly impossible.

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