9. The Patronus and The Caught

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After the uncomfortable short talk with Lavender and Hermione's weird attitude at the Great Hall, Felicity tried to avoid the constant thought about her and her feelings the best she could. Knowing that she was able to get her attention focused on other things as quickly as she could realize, it wasn't a big deal to forget the last thing that went through her ears.

With the next Quidditch match getting closer, Ron was feeling worse than the first time he auditioned for Keeper. His fear of being a fraud and the entire house discouraging him was only adding bad emotions to his anxiety. The Quidditch practices of Gryffindor weren't so bad but they weren't so good either compared to the last four years, Ron almost fell from his broomstick multiple times due to his nerves but he was doing it great in a different way, and the new two beaters weren't so bad. Now that Ginny was the seeker due to Harry's suspension, Felicity realized how good she was playing Quidditch after so many years sitting at the tribune. She wasn't perfect but she was good enough to win the match.

- I suck at this -. Ron said, walking back from the Quidditch field with a sad expression.- We're going to lose because of me -.

Behind them, at the tribune, the house of Slytherin was singing a stupid song to make fun of Ron. It was obvious that they went just to laugh at him and the team, and also discourage him from making them lose. The house, including Malfoy of course, were loudly singing repeatedly to get inside Ron's thoughts

"Weasley cannot save a thing,
He can't block a single ring.
That's why Slytherins all sing,
Weasley is our king!..."

Felicity made her best to distract her mind and not run towards them to punch their noses. And also Hermione, Ron, and Harry, who was looking at them with a threatening stare but holding his anger.

- Come one, Ron, it wasn't so bad -. Felicity said, trying to comfort him and resting a hand on his shoulder.- You were just distracted by the other asses mocking at you -.

- Yeah, Ron. This time you caught more than the previous times. See how good you're getting! -. Harry said, encouraging him and turning his back on the Slytherin students.

- That's right! I think I counted three more catches than the last time -. Hermione said too, trying to sound humble and not criticize his development.

Ron barely smiled, his friend's comments weren't enough for him to forget how worse everything could turn out during the real match. Deeply knowing that if he doesn't catch the ball, his team would lose and it would give the Slytherin team an undoubted and easy victory.

- Come on, we better not get late to our Dumbledore's Army reunion or everyone will get irritated about Harry getting late for the lesson -. Hermione said to them, beginning to walk heavenly back to the school.

- And complain about it too -. Ron said, frustrated, taking off the helmet and carrying it hanging from his fingers.

The four of them began to walk back to the school and hope for Ron to distract himself from the chaotic practice. The day was cloudy and there was a bothering damp in the air. The only thing that Felicity heard was Ron's complaints about him and Harry trying to make him feel better, which was almost impossible. She was walking next to Hermione and noticed her hand was anxiously shaking, she instantly knew that it wasn't for the meeting but from something outside that.

To break the ice and Ron's constant talk about his mistakes during Quidditch, Felicity asked

- Harry, what happened with the Occlumency lessons? -. Harry and Hermione looked at her, the boy with an irritated stare and the girl raised her eyebrows wondering about her question.

- He didn't tell you? -. Hermione asked, looking at Harry and frowning.

- Told me what? -.

- I got suspended from the lessons -. Harry heavenly responded, letting go of a deep sigh.

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