19. Ron's Argument

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Felicity was coming back to a walk she took after Hermione left her for a meeting with Slughorn and his favorite students. It was freezing outside and she had to put on like three clothes to not die of cold or falling into bed with a fever. 

The grey sky filled with clouds and the drizzle of the upcoming winter were feeling colder than ever, especially this time. 

She was slowly walking across the bridge directed to the Courtyard when she heard steps coming behind her. When she turned around, she saw Ron walking right straight to her, and he didn't seem happy at all. Lately, both friends were distanced due to Ron's constant jealously and indirect complain about the girl's relationship and that was making Felicity feel rejection from him even though how bad it was.

- Fel, can we talk? -. Ron said reaching her. She knew there was no patience in his tone, like always.

- Sure -. She responded, trying not to sound curt.

Awkward silence and Felicity realized Ron was trying to find the correct words to say.

- I heard you last night getting out of the room -. He said, heavenly breathing.

- Alright, what's the deal? -. Felicity said, feeling the cold breeze invade her lungs.

- You know you can't get out of bed like that and I know Hermione told you that -.

- Yes, but I suggested her and she agreed. She needed to clear her mind, Ron -. She said, losing patience.- 

- Where did you go? The library? -. He said. His curiosity was bothering Felicity but she said nothing against his questions, if he gets insistent with too many questions, she would respond impatiently.

- The Astronomy Tower -.

- I see... and I guess you had a good time there, right? -.

- Yeah -. Her breathing became heavier and she wanted to leave.

- I bet you had some fun watching the stars, talking... snogging... -. He said. Felicity noted how his tone changed from curious to irritation.

- Alright, Ron. What's the problem? -.  Felicity asked, already annoyed.- Is there something wrong with that? Does it bother you? -.

- Yes, it does -. 

- Why? -. She said, frowning in front of Ron and looking at him straight to the eyes angrily.

- You know why -. He responded, showing his particular angry face. 

- Come on, Ron. Enough with that -. 

- Like if it was so easy, Felicity -.

- Ron, we talked about this so many times. I thought you understood, but you clearly don't -. She said, walking away from him as the closure of their conversation. 

- You're a bit selfish, you know that? -. He said almost screaming.- And when I mean a bit, it's a lot -.

- Are you kidding me? -. She said, walking back to him and facing his ignorance.- I'm so sorry I hurt your feelings, Ronald. But Hermione used to like you before and she changed paths until then, even she told you that. I thought that she would leave it more than clear -.

- Don't be stupid, you know no one can change my mind and what I feel for her, not even her itself -. He said.- You're selfish because you took her first and left me alone with nothing. We're supposed to be friends, Felicity, but it seems we don't, based on your attitude -.

Felicity couldn't believe how Ron was so determined to talk to her in that way, how he let his emotions avoid his logical side and let everything inside him discharge over a kid's problem. That was, certainly, the drop that overflowed the glass.

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