17. In the Astronomy Tower

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The Gryffindor tower hasn't been so silent since ever. Even knowing it was late to be awake, someone always was able to hear the conversations and the gossip from the students in bed, which was quite fun for Felicity. There was always something to be surprised or disgusted to know about someone in Hogwarts, even how bad it would feel to know, it was still enjoyable.

Felicity was sitting on Hermione's bed, her head was laying on Mione's lap while the girl was reading the second book Felicity gifted her. There was perfect silence and that was giving the ambiance complete calming energy, no was no even one sound that they could even hear the owls yell from the owlery far away from the school.

No words or conversations were shared until Hermione raised her eyes to the ceiling and sighed, sounding frustrated. Felicity knew that the girl always relived the previous conversations in her mind over and over again until solving the inconvenience that overwhelmed her.

- It pisses me off, about Malfoy's situation -. She said, massaging her forehead.- If I could just make Harry reflect, this wouldn't be so hard as it is -.

- It is certainly hard, Mione. And it's also even more with Harry following him everywhere with the Marauders Map, he won't get any answers and I'm sure Malfoy already noticed him -. Felicity said to the girl. That topic was now making her anxious.- But, why are you still having that rounding on your head? I mean, Harry it's involved in this since he supposes Malfoy's a death eater -.

- It's not just that... it's about that bloody potions book he has -. Hermione said, leaving her book on her shelf next to the bed.- I've been investigating everywhere about that 'Half-Blood Prince' and the only thing I found was a genealogic tree from a different family that maybe has something related to it -.

Felicity got up and sat in front of Hermione, looking her in the eyes and trying to find a way to distract her mind from all those tiring topics to solve.

- Alright, that's it -. She said, shaking her head exhaustedly.- I know all of this overwhelms you but you're getting to the point to completely stress out for something you're not related to. You need to distract your mind only just for a night, okay? -.

- Fel, what do you expect us to do? I need... I mean we need to solve this the earlier we can to end up with the doubt -. Hermione responded, sounding exhausted and stressed.- What do you expect me to do? -.

Felicity hadn't any idea, but also the idea wasn't that in specific. She was not ready for that and it was not one of the correct ways to comfort a person who was burning out their thoughts. Maybe when things happen, they will be done, but not now.

So she thought about something she hadn't done yet and wanted to reach before she left Hogwarts. It popped up in her head and it gave her an unhidden smile that made Hermione get confused.

Felicity raised her eyebrows and brightly smiled, feeling a good sense in her request. She clearly saw how Hermione instantly blushed and breathed jerkily.

- Perhaps, a little escape to see the stars is a nice way to clear your mind... -.

- What? -. Hermione asked, sounding exalted. Her expression quickly changed and she paled.- Fel, you know we can't...

- Get out of bed at this time, yeah. But a little bit of freedom it's not bad for us, don't you think? Like I told you before -. She said, still smiling at the idea of sneaking out and having something to enjoy.- It could be good for us, what do you say? -.

Hermione thought for a moment and Felicity saw how something inside her mind told her to agree.

- Alright... but if we get caught we will be done, you know? -. She finally said, hiding her excitement and rolling her eyes.

- Brilliant -. Felicity said and quickly took Hermione's hand and got out of the room.

Sneaking out in silence was, certainly, more fun than Felicity thought. Trying to not get detected by Mrs. Norris and Filch by turning quickly in different corners and trying to hold their laughs was unimaginably fun.

The girls were happily running through every corridor and shortcut they found until arriving at the Astronomy Tower. Felicity never felt that free since she rode a broom a long ago. It was completing and fully thrilling running around the castle holding hands and giantly smiling at each other.

Luckily, Felicity memorized some shortcuts from the Marauders Map and they had the chance to sneak into one of them to escape from Filch's persecution. 

Some of the portraits that were awake strangely looked at the two girls and some of them shushed them to not be loud and wake up the entire school.

- We're not so far away! -. Felicity whispered to Hermione, feeling the adrenaline fill her veins and feeling shivers of excitement.

Once going upstairs, the girls had the chance to let go of the shrieks of laughter they contained all the way to their destiny. The tower was dark and it was like a game to try not to fall or crash into something that could discover them.

The sky was completely clear and it was amazing how they could witness every constellation above their heads and how the few shooting stars were beautiful to admire the few seconds they traveled across the sky. Felicity felt that sweet emotion of being happy for the first time after a long time, being able to feel how emotional that exact moment was making her. 

There was nothing more beautiful to observe besides Hermione than a clear dark blue sky filled with millions of tiny shining spheres slowly traveling and moving across the universe.

- I have to admit that this was worth it -. Hermione said, kindly smiling at Felicity.

- See? Sometimes a little breaking of the rules it's not bad for anyone -. Felicity responded, grateful for her honesty and seeing how her eyes were shining under the stargazing.

- You kind of sound like Ron's brothers, you know? -. Hermione said, letting go a little laugh.

- I learned from them, it's fun, honestly, and I have to be grateful for their contagious need for rebellion -.

Having moments of no talking but just silence and only listening to the tree leaves dance with the breeze and the particular sound of the wind going across the grass, was really peaceful. In some moments the girls met eyes and silently admired each other.

There was no description of being there, witnessing the tranquility and the beauty of Hermione, seeing how the glow of the moon directly highlighted her features and made her look ethereal.

Talking about the constellations able to see above them and their names, which ones were capable to observe in other parts of the world, and their desire to travel to different parts of the country and continents to watch them beautifully like where they were.

- This is so beguiling, I never had the chance to view the night sky this way -. Hermione said, quietly, resting her head on Felicity's shoulder.- Thanks, Fel -.

- There's no need to say thank you, Mione, I just wanted you to feel better than jail yourself inside your mind and get more concerned than you should -. Felicity said to her. Hermione's words made her feel in a way she couldn't possibly say because her speaking was kindly pleasing.- But I'm glad you're enjoying it -.

Hermione raised her head and looked straight into Felicity's eyes, provoking her a bolt of electrifying lightning that gave life to her and igniting the warm fire that overwhelmed her chest. That girl was so much, amazingly beautiful and delightfully nice with her. It was different than before because now they were able to be more than anything by being together without strings pulling them apart.

Both leaned heads and their lips met again.

Felicity felt the exact way she did back when they first kissed, feeling the passion and humility combine in an overwhelming lovely kiss. She wished it to be eternal, endless, that blissful forever. It was extraordinary how many times she let herself contain her emotions and stopped her heart due to her fear of insecureness.

Now she let herself embrace everything she pushed down, she could feel how amazing it was to kiss Hermione and let her invade every corner of her mind.

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