14. Back in the Hospital Wing

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Felicity... wake up

She abruptly opened her eyes and a flashlight left her blind. 

The Ministry, 


The purple lightning that made her passing away,

And the eternal darkness.

Was she dead? Was that her final breath? Was the last moment she would ever see the girl she wanted to be with? That couldn't be possible, not like that. But there was a possibility of not coming back from the Ministry of Magic, and she knew it.

- Fel? -. A gentle female voice talked to her, touching her hand and caressing her fingers.

Felicity blinked repeatedly and then her view became clear. She found herself on a bed in the huge room with big windows and the nurses's portraits coming in and outside the paintings. The cold breeze running around the Hospital Wing and the pumpkin juice smell coming from the bottle next to her bed filled her lungs.

Luckily, she wasn't dead. At least this time she made it outside the chaos.

- Fel? -. Hermione said, again, caressing her forehead and looking worried.- I'm so glad you're awake, I was so scared to lose you there that I almost had an attack -.

Felicity looked at her and saw her little smile on her face, highlighting her beauty and pushing away any fear. But Felicity was still feeling concerned and her frown didn't disappear even if she was now next to Hermione, she noticed and her expression turned worried again. 

- How are you feeling? -. She asked, still caressing her fingers.- Do you need anything? -.

Felicity took a look around her and there was no one in any bed besides her and Hermione's company. She felt scared, where were her other friends? Did they get the chance to escape?

Where were Harry, Luna, Ron, Ginny, and Neville? What about Sirius?

- It's okay Fel, but don't get up yet -. Hermione said, grabbing her shoulders and delicately making her lay down again.- Everyone's okay, you were the last one to wake up from us. They're at the Great Hall, so don't worry, we're alright -.

- What about the Ministry? What happened? What about Sirius's rescue? -. Felicity anxiously asked her, hiding her tears of fear and profoundly breathing.

There was a moment of silence where Felicity saw how Hermione looked down at her hand and sighed. 

- Hermione? -.

She looked at her again with a dismal expression and tried to keep calm.

- After you passed out, we barely went out of there. I almost got hit with that strange spell Dolohov used on you but I, fortunately, skipped it. But we had to leave you with the other in another room to not carry you and risk your lives again. And then we ended up in a room with a raised stone dais in the center with a haze veil, it was weird, Harry heard voices. -. She said, breathing hard like containing her sadness.- Then death eaters appeared, spells flying on the air, some of them fell and then the Order of the Phoenix showed up. It was good, but when the battle began, it turned worse. I had to hide with Neville but Harry was fighting with Lucius Malfoy and Sirius confronted him instead of Harry...

She took a break to breathe and looked at Felicity with tears in her eyes.

- But when Lucius was beaten... Bellatrix Lestrange through a spell to Sirius -. Her tears began to run around her cheeks, and her stare became sad.- And the veil of the stone dais pulled him and he disappeared from there, he was gone, and he won't come back... -.

That broke Felicity down and she imagined how hard it was for Harry, losing the last family he had. It was impossible to believe, hardly possible to recognize that Sirius was gone. The last weeks of summer Felicity spent with Harry and her other friends flashed in her mind and made her emotional. Now that house was empty but the stubborn house-elf Kreacher. 

If she was feeling that way, she knew how deep that had affected Harry, feeling the anger and the sadness above him and the weight of losing someone he really felt familiarly loved. 

Felicity sat and rested her head on her hands, feeling how deep her soul was falling. She couldn't cry even though she wanted to. And she also felt that she didn't have to cry because she hadn't any tie with Sirius, there was no reason and also there was a huge urge to let everything inside unburden. 

- If I only was able to skip that spell, if I got the chance to go with you and fight with the Order. If I was just there fighting with the Order, I could have had the chance to shoot down Bellatrix, just maybe, Sirius would be alive. But no, he's not -. Felicity said, feeling guilty for her weakness.

- Fel... -. Hermione said, resting her hand on her back and sounding calming.

- Maybe if I wasn't so dumb to get injured and I was able to be there and help for the good. If I was only capable of doing something useful. But I passed out for being slow and stupid, but I had to help you, I couldn't leave you there and get injured too like Luna or Ginny or Ron... I had to do something and maybe if I got in time Sirius would be alive... and Harry wouldn't be this hurt. But I was weak and fainted, thinking I died and left every one of you to fight alone. I'm supposed to be strong but this time they won... I don-

- Felicity, look at me -. Hermione said, and Felicity obeyed. Hermione took her head in both hands and made her look at her. Her eyes were so comforting.- You're not weak or useless, you're one of the bravest and strongest girls I met. Being injured it's not a weak aspect of you, we were in danger and we knew there was going to be someone who would be hurt but we risked our lives for Harry. You're strong and clever, you wanted to help me and I really appreciate it because you moved on for a strong cause. Fel, you're not feeble or stupid, and don't make me repeat it again -.

Her words drove like a stake in her mind and made the negative thoughts shut. Hermione was beautiful, comforting, and calming. 

Felicity leaned towards her and kissed her passionately like she always dreamed to do. 

They left the world to disappear and gave place to something delightful and infinite. Felicity felt how the warm rays of the sun were highlighting them and filled her body with a warm and peaceful vibe.

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