24. Hospital Wing

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Resting on the bed at Hospital Wing was more calming than standing up staring at the window while hearing the Phoenix's blue sing after Dumbledore's death. Felicity was still sunken in a deep and restless sleep for some hours she couldn't be able to count.

There was a humble and warm hand caressing her head and holding her hand that gave her a comfortable feeling of being safe despite the unlucky events.

She knew in a rare way that she was alone in the room with Hermione, who was heavenly breathing and trying to wake her up and that was more than enough.

- Mione -. Felicity said as she opened her eyes and saw her girl's sad stare.

- Fel -. The girl said back, making her name sound sweetly and kind to hear from her.- Finally, you woke up, I was scared for you -.

Felicity could see how different Hermione's expression was besides being next to each other, she was looking dismal and showing a blue way to act but still trying to show her her affection.

- You've been resting for a long time, how are you feeling? -. Hermione asked, getting closer to Felicity and analyzing her factions.

- Exhausted -. She answered.- But glad that you're here... How are you? -.

Hermione took a big breath and sadly sighed.

- I don't know, it's weird -.

- Do you want some time for yourself? Why don't you go out and take a breath? You don't need to be here all the time, I don't want to be a burden -.

- You're not a burden, Fel -. Hermione said, frowning and showing her disappointment for Fel's thoughts.- Honestly, it's better for me to be with you than walking to the classroom -.

- It's weird to hear that from you, about not attending classes -.

- I know -. Hermione said, barely letting go of a chuckle and getting back the pink blush of her cheeks.

But it was quickly how Hermione changed her pretty honest smile to the blue expression and dismal stare and that always hurt Felicity. She never liked to see her cry or complain about herself or even worse look like she didn't want to keep standing where she was spending her life.

It was a long silence, Felicity kept staring at Hermione but the girl wasn't looking at her but looking down at Fel's hand while playing with her fingers.

- Hermione -.

She raised her head and fixed her gaze at Felicity. Hermione looked so negatively different and that provoked a shiver to go through Fel's body.

- Do you want to talk? -. Felicity said, profoundly having a heavy weight pushing her down, afraid of what Hermione would say if she decided to share her deepest pain.

Hermione deeply breathed and relaxed her expression, now looking gloomy again.

- Do you want to tell me something you need to share? -.

- Putting things into words it's even harder than I think -. Hermione responded, sounding exhausted.

- I know, but you don't have any obligation to say it -.

Another long and endless silence involved the room and invaded with cold Felicity's lungs.

- Mione... -. Felicity began to say, afraid of her way to say what she was about to ask and even more scared of Hermione's answer.- Do you want this to go on? Like... us? -.

The girl quickly looked at Felicity and seemed shocked by her question. There were so many things to expect to hear from Hermione and all of them made Felicity feel down.

- Fel, why...? -. Hermione began to say, looking for the correct words to question Felicity's doubt.- What makes you think about that? -.

- It's just that, maybe, after all these things we all have been through and how personally they hit us... maybe you would like to take a break and have time with yourself to not be overwhelmed -.

- Fel, even though we are split, that doesn't make all this stuff be lighter than we expect. Everything sometimes it's harder than we think but being together and going through this doesn't mean you're a burden that I carry the whole time -. Hermione said, trying to explain in a humble way what she was thinking.- I don't think it's overwhelming for me to be with you and also I spent time with myself when we don't coincide and I love to spend time with you when I'm down... you help me to distract my mind and I feel comfortable to deal with those difficulties times with you...

Fel, you're really special to me and your company is one of the things that I need during these times... please don't say again, indirectly or not, that you feel that you overwhelm me because that's incorrect. I love you and the idea of drifting you away it's almost as hurting as losing you -.

Felicity hardly swallowed and felt how a few tears peeked in her eyes due her deepest and deplorable things that always made her fall into a ravine and how they influenced everything that was living around her.

She looked down at Hermione's hand and let her sadness be free and flow through her cheeks while she internally complained about herself and the tiny idea of being separated from the person she loved the most.

Hermione took her cheek and kindly wiped her tears with her thumb and gave her a short gentle kiss with her soft lips.

That girl was everything.

- I love you too -. Felicity said as they separated.- You don't have any idea of how much -.

Hermione shyly smiled and her pink blush popped on her cheeks.

- I'm still not used to your sincere way to talk about your feelings, knowing you don't use to do it -. She said, caressing Felicity's cheek.- But it's lovely when you do, I like to hear you be honest with me -.

Felicity barely smiled, still a bit dismal but filled by Hermione's presence.

But the grey aura and the pressing feeling of living in those exact times where the wizarding war was getting even closer than anyone could imagine pushed Felicity down again. But it was better to live through the chaos while she was with Hermione.

She wished to have more time in peace with her, being aware that there was nothing approaching them and giving them less time alone than they wanted. Felicity didn't want to be conscious that there was a group of deathly wizards getting closer to Hogwarts ready to destroy everything that stepped in front of them just to kill someone they thought was inmortal.

Everything was unfair but the time it lasted she would enjoy it the most she could.

- I'm scared -. Felicity said, incapable of holding her fears anymore.- Of what's about to come and I hate to say it. I feel like we didn't have enough time for ourselves, I always felt haunted by the passing of the days and it is really doleful -.

- I am too, honestly, and sometimes I can't even imagine what would happen next -. Hermione said, still looking at Felicity with her honey eyes with affection.- I'm scared of everything, and Harry, and even more you. But sometimes I try not to get so focused on that even how hard it is and you can distract me so easily just by being next to me -.

Felicity smiled at her and kissed her lips passionately, making her know she was glad with her sincere speaking and comforting way to calm her with her wisdom.

Suddenly, the door of the Hospital Wing opened and Ron appeared in the door frame.

- Did I interrupt something? -. He said, with a weird annoyed tone.

- We were just talking -. Hermione responded.

Felicity felt bothered with his friend's interruption but decided to not say anything.

- Yeah, sure -. He said, angrily.- We need to go now, the funeral it's about to start -.

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