20. The Slug Christmas Party

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Felicity hadn't talked to Ron for weeks after their argument outside the school and it was a bit sad for her, she felt distanced from one of the few friends she still had. Not even during the Quidditch Match Gryffindor had and won against Slytherin, they didn't say how nervous they were and not even wished luck to each other before they rode their brooms.

But, what else could she expect? At least it seemed that Hermione put an end to his bothersome complaints and made him shut his impulsive mind at someone who was trying to keep in the form about his stubbornness and sensibility.

She felt like there was less weight hanging on her back after everything she told Ron. Now, at least a bit, she felt free from all the things she swallowed to say for so many months.

Harry was then more insisting on Malfoy's plan. He was constantly trying to get inside the Room of Requirement because he thought that he was in there looking up for something, and his undoubted reason was that Malfoy wasn't figuring in the Marauders Map and no one was able to appear in and out of the castle. And his closure with Slughorn was finally getting the few results Harry was expecting to have but there was still something missing.

It was one evening sitting at the Three Broomsticks with Harry and Hermione when Slughorn walked staggering to them with a funny smile on his face. He was drunk and rarely enjoying it. Being in that state made the potion's professor funnier to hear talk about his teenage years at Hogwarts and how everything had changed.

He almost threw his butterbeer cup on Hermione but he luckily straightened it before the disaster was done.

- Listen, my boy. In the old days, I used to throw together the occasional supper party -. Slughorn began to say to Harry.- Select a student or two... Would you be game? -.

Hermione and Felicity exchanged stares. Maybe she was going to be invited, it would be nice to have something else to enjoy besides hanging out at Hogsmeade.

- I'd consider it as an honour, sir -. Harry responded.

Slughorn smiled more and turned around to Hermione.

- You'd be welcome too, Granger -. He said, funnily.- And of course, I hadn't forgotten you, Balsey -.

- I'd be delighted, sir -. Both girls said in unison.

- Splendid! Look for my owl! -. Slughorn said and came back to the bar still staggering.

Felicity felt a tiny excitement for her invitation and smiled at Hermione.

- We can go together, what do you say? -. She asked her.

- Sure, Fel. No doubt, but you don't need to ask me -. Hermione responded, blushing and smiling at her.

- It was just to make me sure you wanted, glad you accepted -. Felicity said, raising her shoulders and grateful for Hermione's agreement. - Who are you taking, Harry? -.

- Don't know -. He responded, uninterested.

- You won't take anyone? -. Hermione asked, a bit worried.

- I will! -. He responded.- I will take someone cool... I'll see -.

It was clear to see Ron's annoyment about the three friend's invitation to the most elegant party, and he severally complained that none of them thought about inviting him. Even though he wanted to seem uninterested, it was obvious he wanted to be part of something important like that.

When December 20th arrived, the castle and the corridors from Slughorn's office were colorfully decorated with Christmas decorations. That was one of the only things that gave Hogwarts another view besides all those horrible times the Wizarding World was going through.

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