22. A Night Alone

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Felicity hadn't felt that happy with Hermione like she was now. There was something that woke up a spark between both of them since that afternoon at the Library. She had recently enjoyed being with her since they got together but she never felt that cheerful since the previous day.

Harry didn't put so much attention to what Hermione had discovered about the potion's book's original owner and that discouraged her just a bit, as she said to Felicity. But she knew that at some point she was a bit sad about her friend's uninterest. Besides that, Hermione didn't let him end with her current discovery and talked to Felicity about all the theories she thought about the book's handwrite.

Ron, by the way, was coming back to them after so many days of discommunication. He was 'busy' going out and having a physical connection with the girl that began the rumour of Felicity's relationship, Lavender. She was completely obsessed with the ginger and never stepped three feet from him until she began to express how much she missed him. Honestly, from Felicity's point of view, that was annoyingly disgusting and uncomfortable to see and experiment with.

- I'm sure that next time I see you stuck together I'll have to go and vomit -.

- Yeah, she's a bit obsessed... but who cares? We have a good time and there's nothing that could stop us -. Ron responded to Felicity, smiling and remembering the times Lavender expressed physically how much she loved him.

- Okay... -.

- Besides, you personally told me to look up to someone else to fall in love so I can hardly forget about Hermione, and I did! I have Lavender -. He continued, cheerfully.- We have fun together. You two seem to have a good time, Fel -.

- We do, certainly -. Felicity responded, blushing a little while thinking about Hermione.

- Brilliant, that's good -. Ron said. Felicity noted a different tone when he said that and she knew that he wasn't able to hide his feelings so easily.

It was quite obvious that Ron wasn't going to completely forget about his crush from the first year but Felicity also liked to know he was putting attention on someone else but Hermione. There was no other thing harder to reach than forgetting about your feelings towards someone who got over you for your best friend.

Besides that, he didn't dare to disrupt their relationship again and it was relieving to know.

It was late at the common room and the only people awake were Felicity and Hermione, just as always happens since they hang out together. But they just liked to feel the warmth of the flames and enjoy the ambiance's silence and peace to read calmly.

They both were laying on the couch and Hermione was resting her head on Felicity's chest while sunken on her book of '1000 Magical Herbs and Fungi'. She suddenly closed it after half an hour and kept in silence while staring at the fire.

It was pacifying to hear her calm breathing and her heartbeat at the rhythm of her's. She always had the ability to completely push down the stress and bring somnolency of closing her eyes and get immersed in her.

Hermione took a long breath and accommodated before she talked and ended the peaceful silence. But her voice wasn't even disturbing the broken soundless environment, on the contrary, she also brought calmness to Felicity even if she talked non-stop. Her voice was calming and comforting and nothing could change how magically hypnotized it made feel for her.

- I can't get out of my mind Harry's obsession over Malfoy's movements -. She said, sounding lowered.- It stressed me out how he constantly puts himself at risk for answers -.

Felicity closed her book and started to caress Hermione's hair, it was tiring to know how she was affected by their best friend's repetitive suppositions.

- It's consuming, I know, most of the times I hear him talk about it I just want to tell him to stop just for a minute and get focused on Dumbledore's lessons -.

- I completely forgot about that! He also has to be aware of that too -. Hermione said, alarmed.- Am I worrying too much? -.

- Honestly, yes -. Felicity responded.- But he's your friend, it's obvious you'd get worried for him. But sometimes it's too much, Mione, you better have to let him solve by himself some of the things he has around and give him a hand when he realizes he made a mistake or when you see he's lost -.

- Yeah... -.

Hermione sounded tired and with low energies, she completely felt different compared to a few seconds ago and that made Felicity cheerless. She took Hermione and made her sit on the couch and look at her directly in her eyes, trying to get her to focus on nothing but just in Felicity.

- Hermione, I think that you are letting this affect you way differently than it should and it really tires me to see you this stressed -. Felicity said as she delicately grabbed Hermione by her shoulders.- You're stressed, actually, and you are conscious of that. You need to give yourself a chance to let go of that heavy business that pushes you away from being restful... Let's do something fun that really makes you get distracted from all that weight you made yourself carry -.

- You already get to free myself from every negative situation that involves me, Fel -. Hermione responded and caressed Felicity's cheek.- You don't need to obligate yourself to do something beyond this peaceful moment. I'm alright this way, even if I'm still a bit anxious about Harry -.

- I don't force myself to do anything, it's fun to enjoy something I've never done before and even better if it's with you. Like one night we sneaked to the Astronomy Tower to watch the stars -. Felicity said to her. She didn't want to give the impression that Hermione was a weight on her back, it was pitiable.- Whatever you need, I'll do it. It doesn't matter if you need me to cross the line, I'm here for you... okay? -.

Hermione deeply sighed and Felicity saw her sad eyes shine with the light of the fire.

Felicity knew how hard it was to get inside her thoughts and make them stop for a minute, because no one but herself was able to do it. But whatever her girl needed, she would do it, it didn't matter if she wanted to destroy or blow up a complete building to release her heavy stress.

That girl needed something that could completely involve her mind and make her sunk in, be aware of what was surrounding her and use all her senses on it.

- Mione, listen to me -. Felicity said, looking at Hermione's eyes when the girl raised her eyes to see her. Felicity took both of her cheeks and delicately holded her with both hands.- I don't care if I have to break my back to comfort you... because I love you, did you listen? -.

It was the first time she said that plainly, she never opened her heart with those three words before even knowing she wanted to. But this time was open-hearted and real for her, she didn't find any reason to jail her feelings and keep the words that expressed how much Hermione was for her.

- I love you too, Fel -. Hermione said and smiled wearily kind to her.

Felicity didn't need anything else than that from Hermione, she was a lot and always made a lot for her. Even how many times she would repeat it, that girl was incredibly filling and beautiful in any sense.

She leaned towards her and kissed her profoundly and passionately like she didn't do before. She let every part of her sentimentalism get out of her deep soul and let Hermione get sunk on her passion.

It was wildly beauteous and immersing how both got sunken on each other and let their intuition and emotions act before their consciousness, they slid their hands across robes and then in their skin. 

Hermione's touch was always so delicate and exciting at the same time and more now that they were going further from the physical with whom they had contact previously.

They were immersed and completed in one individual, flowing with the throb and respecting their surroundings to not break the dreaming of the tower. The room was now filled with their acts and above their heads, the entire sky was witnessing how both were letting their souls diffuse the tension and dance like flowers in the wind.

That night, they were letting themselves be everything they couldn't before. Expressing everything they hadn't before and loving every part of it.

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