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"Elena!" My name was called by multiple people.

I turned my head. Caroline and Stefan - holding Lexi and Zach - , Alaric, Anna, Jeremy, Bonnie with Enzo's arms around her, Klaus, and Katherine all stood there. All held back by the invisible wall, they could only watch. Bonnie ducked out of Enzo's arms and ran to Damon.

As I watched, she put her hands on either side of his head and closed her eyes. After a moment, I heard a shaky breath come from his lips. His eyes didn't open, but I knew they would soon. Bonnie looked up at me, and I nodded, the motion saying things that my lips couldn't.

I walked to Esther, my eyes telling her that I would do it. She nodded, a triumphant smile on her face.

"Elena, don't you dare!" Jeremy cried, but I ignored him.

"Do it." I whispered.

Esther rested both of her hands on my shoulder and closed her eyes. She started speaking a spell, loud and commanding. The wind began to blow harder, swirling dead leaves up around us. Pain exploded in my head and I cried out, falling to the ground.

I heard people calling my name, begging Esther to stop, but she didn't. She continued casting the spell. I felt something burning through my veins, like acid and fire. I forced my eyes open.

My body was on fire, but the flames were blue. It didn't burn my skin, but it consumed me completely. My back arched without my brain telling it to, and the blue flames shot towards Esther, connecting us. I forced myself back onto my knees; it was all I could manage.

"Elena!" Damon's voice cried. I forced my head to turn and met his gaze through the roaring blue fire. He was clutching Bonnie's arm like a lifeline, and she was holding him, crying.

I turned away and closed my eyes as the flames seemed to disappear. But then I felt a heat inside my body. The flames were inside me. I opened my mouth and let out a scream. A blast erupted from my body, the flames shooting in all directions.

And then they were gone, I was silent, and it was over.

Esther dropped her arms as I got to my feet. I felt different. I felt like power was surging through my whole body with everything I did. Esther smiled as I looked up at her.

"Come here Elena." She beckoned. I walked towards her, and she lifted a hand to touch under one of my eyes. "I'm afraid the eyes will never go away, but they suit you."
"The eyes?" I asked.

"A side effect of being a witch hybrid. Your eyes are gold." Esther said. I felt her reaching for me in my head. "Elena, I want you to kill Damon Salvatore."

Her power pushed at my will, trying to force me. I turned towards Damon. Esther lifted an arm and used her magic to pull Damon from Bonnie's arms and towards us. Bonnie ran forward, but the wall kept her out. Dumping Damon on the ground in front of me, Esther lowered her arm.

"Kill him." Esther whispered inside my mind. "Kill him."

I crouched down in front of Damon, who didn't even try to get away. He just looked up into my eyes. One of his hands lifted to touch my cheek, and I sighed.

"Kill him Elena, now." Esther commanded me.

I leaned down even more until Damon's face was centimeters from mine. He looked like he had given up. I knew he wouldn't fight against me. He would let me kill him. I gave him a small smile and pressed my mouth to his in a brief kiss.

Standing up, I turned back to Esther. She looked shocked, and I felt her push with her powers, trying to force me to bend to her will. I smiled and walked the few steps toward her.

"Guess you should do your research." I plunged my hand into her chest. "Seems like that won't work on a doppelganger." Esther's eyes widened as I ripped my hand out, her heart with it.

She fell instantly, the look of shock forever etched on her face. Dropping her heart on the ground, I wiped my bloody hand on my shirt. It wasn't one I liked that much anyway. With a smile on my face, I turned back to Damon.

"Elena." He whispered, and then he was standing.

I laughed and ran to him. He caught me in his arms and lifted me off the ground, crushing me to his chest. And then my friends were there. Esther's wall had fallen when she died, and they all crowded around. Damon grudgingly let me go and took Zach from Stefan.

"You could have told us it wouldn't work on you." Caroline sniffed as she and Bonnie hugged me. Lexi whimpered in Caroline's arms.

"I didn't know." I admitted. They drew back.

"You didn't know?" Bonnie shrieked loudly, her eyes wide. "Elena Gilbert, I am going to kill you!"

"Easy love." Enzo touched her arm, trying to calm her down. "Elena's fine." I nodded.

Caroline handed me my baby, and I hugged her to my chest. Lexi beamed up at me and I couldn't help but smile. She grabbed a lock of my hair and pulled it gently.

"You're okay." I kissed her soft forehead. "We're all okay."

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