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Over the next few hours, my contractions grew more and more painful, and closer together. Everyone took turns leaving for a while at a time, but Damon never left my side. By two in the afternoon, Anna told me that I was seven centimetres dilated.

"You'll be another hour at most before we can take you down to delivery." She told me as she left. I turned to Damon.

"You can go for a bit." I told him. "I know you haven't fed in a while, and there might be blood when these babies are born." Damon hesitated, glancing over his shoulder at Stefan, who was the only other one here. "I'll be fine for a few minutes." I prompted.

"Five minutes." Damon promised. He kissed the top of my head and left the room.

Stefan moved to sit on the chair right next to my head. I smiled at him, lying back against the pillows. I was exhausted, my body sweaty and aching.

"You're strong Elena." Stefan said. "I've seen a few women having their babies. Most of them were screaming wrecks by this point."
"I don't want to freak Damon out." I laughed. "Trust me. I've bitten the inside of my mouth so many times that there might be a few cuts." Stefan smiled.

"Thank you." He said.

"What for?" I asked.

"For so many things. For making Damon happy. For having these babies. For making me a godfather." Stefan rested his hand on my arm. "I don't think you realise just how much everyone loves you."

"Well...okay, ow." I gritted my teeth through the pain. Stefan took my hand and I held on tightly. "Come on guys." I patted my stomach. "Give me a break and get out."

My hair was sticking to my face and I pulled the hair band off my wrist that I had forgotten to take off. Letting go of Stefan's hand, I reached back and tied my hair into one long plait. It was a bit loose and bumpy, but it would do.

The door opened and Enzo came in. This was the first time I had seen him, and he smiled at me as he sat down next to Stefan. I smiled back and then the pain came again.

"The others went to get lunch, and they're just coming up." Enzo told me. "Damon said he'd be back in a minute." I nodded, and a tear slid down my cheek. "Have you thought about baby names yet?" Enzo asked.

"I mean, we discussed it a bit, but we haven't decided yet." I said. "I just know that I'm going to have them in my arms and something will just fit." Enzo and Stefan nodded.

The door opened and Caroline, Bonnie, and Jeremy came in. Bonnie went straight to Enzo and pushed a chair up next to him. He took her hand, smiling down at her. Caroline and Jeremy grabbed a seat just as Damon reappeared. I reached out a hand to him and he sat back down on the bed with me.

He pulled me against him and I rested my head on his shoulder. My eyes landed on Bonnie and Enzo, who seemed to be having a silent conversation with their eyes. Enzo nodded, and Bonnie looked at me like she was asking permission.

"Of course." I murmured.

"Okay." Bonnie gave a nervous smile. Everyone looked at Bonnie as she looked at Enzo. He put an arm around her shoulders. "You know how Elena took a pregnancy spell that enabled a vampire to have a child?" Everyone nodded. "Enzo and I were thinking about this for a while, and he took the spell." She rested a hand on her stomach. "We found out a week ago. I'm pregnant."

There was a beat of total silence.

"Bonnie Bennett, I think it's about time!" Caroline cried. "We always said the three of us would have kids at the same time. Lizzie and Josie were born almost a year ago, Elena's having hers now, and yours will be in three months. I'd say that's close enough."

I burst out laughing at the same time as Bonnie. Caroline joined in, and she jumped forward to hug Bonnie. I smiled as Bonnie looked over at me. She mouthed a thank you, and I nodded. Going to the past had made this possible, or at the very least easier.

I pressed my lips together as pain came again. To my surprise, I managed to keep myself quiet. I didn't want to ruin the moment for Bonnie. Damon noticed the look on my face and kissed my forehead.

"Push through it love." He whispered. I nodded, trying to relax in his arms.

Anna came back into the room and everyone moved away a bit to give her space. She snapped on some gloves and then checked again. I watched her face when she stood up a minute later, and she nodded at me.

"Ready to go have your babies?" She asked. I nodded. "We can't have everyone in the room, just one of you. The rest can stay in the waiting room if they don't want to go home." I clutched Damon's hand.

"Stay with me." I breathed. Damon nodded.

Anna stuck her head out of the room and asked someone to get Doctor Fell to the delivery room. Damon got off the bed as Anna unclipped it from the wall. Everyone else cleared out, giving me a quick hug or touching my arm as they left.

Anna pushed the bed out of the room, Damon walking next to me, his hand still clasped in mine. I was wheeled down the hallway and around a few corners before we entered a sterile white room with delivery equipment everywhere. Anna slotted my bed into place as Meredith came into the room, a blue thin robe around her, a blue hairnet on. She handed Anna the same blue gear, and then put on some gloves.

I fought through another strong contraction as they got ready. Meredith pulled a chair over for Damon, and he sat next to my head, holding my hand. I turned to him and pressed my lips against him briefly.

"We're going to be parents." I whispered. "I love you."
"I love you too." Damon smiled.

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