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Damon knocked and a rough voice gruffly called for us to enter. Stefan and I walked in after Damon and he opened the door. A man was sitting behind a desk, who I assumed was Giuseppe Salvatore. He blinked at me.

"Katherine. I don't believe I have ever seen you in such clothes."

"This is not Katherine, father." Damon stepped forward. "This is Katherine's second cousin, Elena. They just look very similar."

"Almost identical." Giuseppe stood and came around his desk, holding out a hand. I took it after a reassuring nod from Damon and sank down slightly as I knew women of this day did when greeting someone.

"Her home is destroyed, and she has no family but Katherine left in this world. Father, I wonder if Elena could stay here?" Damon got to the point straight away.

"Why of course." Giuseppe nodded. "Any relation of Katherine's is welcome in my house. We would be delighted to have you Elena."

"Thank you Mr Salvatore." I bobbed my head. "I am so thankful for your kindness." Giuseppe nodded.

"Stefan, son, I believe that Katherine is arriving soon. Go and keep her entertained while Damon helps Elena to a room? Damon, I believe that the spare room across from yours is the most pleasant."

"Yes father." Both brothers said.

Stefan left the room, and Damon motioned for me to come with him. We walked in silence to the other side of the house, probably where the bedrooms were.

"This is my room." Damon tilted his head at a door as we passed it. He stopped at the room directly across his, the rooms separated by the stairs that led to the ground floor. "This will be yours. There will be clothes in your closet, and hopefully everything you will need. You are free to look around, but I suggest knocking before entering a room." Damon gave me a sly grin, one that reminded me so much of how I remembered him. "Let me just say that my brother and Katherine occasionally forget to lock the door."

We laughed together, and then I sighed, casting my eyes down to the ground. I wanted to ask him about his relationship with Katherine, but I didn't know what he would think if I did.

"How does your family know Katherine?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. "She has never told me about you."

"Katherine is...a close friend of mine." Damon said. "She moved to Mystic Falls last year. My brother is very taken with her. I was involved with her, but she chose Stefan over me." He looked down, as if he didn't know why he was telling me this. "It is frustrating, since she continues to play with my head and and my heart, but I am trying to figure her out."

"That seems very..." I tried to think of the right way to say it. "It sounds a lot like Katherine. Don't let her get to you anymore." Damon smiled and nodded. If this was the case, Katherine probably just used him as a blood bag whenever she wanted, and compelled away his memories.

"Well, I should go and find Katherine." Damon eventually broke the silence.

"Thank you." I said. "For helping me."

"You are welcome Elena." Damon smiled. "I will send Katherine to see you shortly." I nodded, and Damon lightly took my hand, pressing his lips to my skin before leaving. I stared after him for a moment before entering the room.

Closing the door behind me, I slumped back against the door and finally let the tears out. I forced myself to stay silent in case anyone walked past. This was horrible. I wanted to go home to the Damon and Stefan that I knew. I missed Bonnie and Caroline, Jeremy and Alaric, and everyone else.

An idea popped into my head and I stuck my hand into the inside pocket of my jacket, sighing in relief as my fingers closed around my phone. Pulling it out, I tried to turn it on. Nothing. The screen stayed black, even when I hold down the power button. I slid it back in my pocket with a groan. I was trapped, with no way to contact my friends. I just hoped that they could find some way to get me back.

Tears still slowly streaming down my face, I walked over to the huge closet and opened it. It seemed to be in sections, and I had no idea what half of it was. Closing the doors, I decided to wait for Katherine.

I had no choice but to tell her everything, and pray she would help me. It was unlikely, since it was Katherine, but I didn't have any other options. Maybe I could threaten to expose her as a vampire if she didn't help, though that might not work since I was a vampire too.

For maybe ten minutes, I sat on the edge of the single bed, looking down at the floor. My tears slowed and stopped after about five minutes, and I sat in silence. I no longer had the energy to try and come up with an escape plan right now.

There was a loud knock on the door, and it opened before I could stand. Katherine, in a large, cream coloured dress, burst in. She shut the door and locked it. I stood slowly, scared that she would attack me.

"Who are you?" She growled, before looking up at me and faltering. "Why do you look exactly like me?"

"Katherine." I held my hands out. "Chill out. I'll explain everything." Katherine folded her arms, waiting for me to start. "But I need you to promise that you won't tell anyone what I say." Katherine gave a jerky nod. "My name is Elena Gilbert. I'm your doppelganger from the future. I'm like your great great great granddaughter or something, but a lot more greats."

"You are from the future?" Katherine scoffed. "That is not possible. Why would I believe you?"

"I know your daughter." I blurted out. Katherine froze. "I know your father took her away when she was born. Her name is Nadia."

"Yes." Katherine breathed. "But if you are from the future, how are you here?"

"My friend is a witch. She was doing a spell to protect me, and I guess it went badly wrong."

"What else do you know?" Katherine was trying to get a sense of how much I know.

"A lot." I sighed. "I know all about your life, and what happens for the next one hundred and sixty so years. I can tell you anything to prove it." I paused. "I know you're a vampire. I'm one too."

Katherine was silent for a moment. I knew she was overwhelmed, so I stayed quiet while she processed everything. She looked me up and down, her eyes lingering on my daylight ring. Then she swallowed. An expression crossed her face that I had never seen before, one that seemed concerned and kind.

"Do you know Stefan and Damon, from the future? Are they still alive?" Katherine asked. I nodded. "Tell me how you know them, and what happens to me."

"You get found out as a vampire next year." I began. "Stefan and Damon die with your blood in their system and become vampires. They think you're trapped in a tomb, but you have to run from Klaus and you don't come back to see them until the 2000s." Katherine stiffened at the mention of the original. "I met Stefan in school. We dated, but it didn't last. He loved me, but..."

"You loved Damon?" Katherine finished for me. I nodded, and she smirked. "We're more similar than I thought. Okay Elena, I will make you a deal. You help me with Klaus and getting found out, and I will leave Damon alone, and I will help you fit in here."

"What do you mean, leave Damon alone?"

"Damon is quite interested in me, but I only have eyes for Stefan. I may have been using him as my blood supply, but I will stop if you help me. You're welcome to him."

"He's not a toy Katherine." I snapped at her. "Just leave him alone to live his life."

"Do we have a deal or not?" Katherine pressed. I sighed.


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