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We found Katherine and Stefan talking in the middle of the crowd, and they waved at us to come over and join them. We went over and Stefan smiled at me, congratulating me on my dress.

"I have never seen such a wonderful garment." He said. "You look wonderful."

"Thank you Stefan." I bobbed my head. "Your brother was the one who convinced me to enter." Stefan looked at Damon, who shrugged. "I'm glad he did." I smiled.

"You dance as if you have been doing this dance your whole life." Katherine piped up. "You are a natural." Of course, she knew that I had been in the Miss Mystic Falls pageant in the future, but the others didn't know that. I had asked Maria to explain the dance to me as we were getting ready, just so I had an excuse as to why I knew it.

The next half an hour was filled with laughter, drinks, and talking. Damon never left my side as we weaved through the crowd, making small talk with the people gathered around. We were talking to Giuseppe Salvatore when Mrs Forbes clapped her hands.

"May I have the contestants over here please." She called. "The judges have made their decision."
Damon swiftly kissed my cheek and whispered good luck in my ear before I walked away. I smiled at him and then turned to join the other girls. We stood in a line, in the order that we had come down.

Thomas Fell - Maria's father - took the centre of attention. He was the head judge. Everyone fell silent as he gave each of us girls a smile and then turned so that everyone would be able to hear him.

"This year was one of the most amazing days of this pageant." He began. "In addition to founding family members, we have others joining us from afar, and ones who grew up here. I am delighted to announce that the winner of Miss Mystic Falls this year will go to Elena Pierce."

The crowd burst into applause, and I raised a hand to my mouth in shock. I met Damon's gaze from the crowd, and he gave me a nod and a smile. My face broke out into a big smile as Mrs Forbes placed a silver crown woven with delicately made silver leaves onto my head.

"Well done Elena." She smiled at me. "You thoroughly deserve to win. May I say that your choice is beautiful. Bold, but a winning choice."
"Thank you Mrs Forbes." I bobbed a curtsey. Mrs Forbes smiled and went to take Mr Fell's place.

"I invite you all to eat and drink as you please in celebration of this year's Miss Mystic Falls." She said. "Thank you all for coming."

Ths music began again, and the party resumed as before. I turned my head, looking for Damon, or perhaps Katherine. I couldn't see either of them and began to look for Stefan, but then I felt a hand on my arm. Turning, I saw a man I had never seen before. His beady eyes swept the crowd, and then fixed on me.

"Elena Gilbert." He said quietly. I froze at the mention of my real name.

"I'm sorry sir, my name is Elena Pierce." I tried to bluff. The man's eyes narrowed, and I felt a sharp pain in my head. I gasped, one hand flying to the pain.

"Elena Gilbert." The man insisted, who I now knew was a witch. "Come with me."

He turned and walked away. I held myself back for a moment but then lifted my skirt and followed him at a distance. No one noticed me heading in a strange direction, but a few people stopped to congratulate me. By the time I looked again, the man was gone.

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