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My fingers were shaking slightly, and I forced myself to hold steady. If Damon ever was gone, I know that I wouldn't see the point in living anymore. He was my entire life, and I loved him with all my heart.

"Hello?" A low voice answered. A tear slid down my cheek as I recognised his voice. I could never forget it.
"Damon." I breathed out. "Damon, is that really you?"

"Who's this?" This time, he sounded more alert. I knew he recognised my voice, but after so many years I couldn't blame him for not knowing who I was.

"It's Elena." I said. There was a moment of silence, and then I heard a sharp intake of breath.

"Elena." Damon said, and his voice made more tears well up and spill down my cheeks.

"Where are you?" I asked. "I'm coming to find you."

"I'm on the border of Mystic Falls." He said. "Elena...I..." He trailed off.

"I know. I'll be there as soon as I can." I was already running out of the room.

Damon just hung up as I raced down the stairs. Bonnie, Stefan, Enzo, Caroline, Klaus, and Jeremy were all in the lounge. They looked up in surprise as I ran into the room. I must have looked insane; tears running down my cheeks, a wide smile on my face.

"Can I..." I said. Jeremy threw some car keys at me, and I caught them. "Thanks." I turned and dashed out of the door.

Wrenching open Jeremy's car door, I turned on the engine and sped out onto the road. I couldn't stop the tears that streamed down my cheeks, and I made no attempt to wipe them away as I drove as fast as I could through Mystic Falls.

After ten minutes, I could see the border sign of Mystic Falls in the distance. As I approached it, I pulled off onto the side of the road and got out of the car, shutting the door behind me. I ran a few metres, searching for him.

"Damon?" I called, looking around. He was nowhere in sight, and my heart was starting to sink. He said he would be here. I had to see him. "Damon?"

I turned back to go back to the car, maybe I could drive a bit further and look again, and there he was. Standing not a metre away from me, his mouth slightly parted, a look of disbelief and joy on his face. With a shocked and happy laugh, I threw my arms around his neck. He clasped me tightly against his body, burying his face in my hair.

"I missed you so much baby." Damon murmured. "I didn't know when I was going to see you again."

Pulling back, I stared into his tear filled eyes for a long moment. Then, Damon pulled me close and crushed his lips against mine. Our tears mingled on our lips and I tasted salt. I didn't care, my arms locking around his neck as I kissed him. I buried my finger tips in his hair, never wanting to let him go.

Eventually though, we pulled away, but barely. His nose was brushing mine, and I rested my forehead against him. Damon closed his eyes, pressing his lips together. I couldn't even imagine how he was feeling.

"Katherine just told us that you - and her - were vampires. I asked her to turn me, and Stefan did too. She wouldn't tell us why you disappeared, but she said as long as I waited long enough, you would find me again." Damon said. "It's been hell without you Elena." He finally opened his eyes.

"I didn't know that was going to happen." I murmured. "But you're here now. And we still have our babies." I rested a hand on my swollen stomach, and Damon looked down.

"How are you still..." He trailed off.

"I was kind of transported from 1864 to this year. Technically, I haven't gone through a day since then." I did my best to explain it without using a term that could be associated with my future and past time travel. "They're two months away."

"There's two babies." I told him.

Damon laughed and swung me around, lifting me off my feet. I kissed him gently, and as he set me down, one of his hands raised to stroke my face. This was everything I had ever wanted, and I couldn't help smiling. Damon kissed my forehead, lingering there. I just rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

"Let's go home." Damon said after a few moments. I looked up and smiled.

"Let's go home." I agreed. His hand found mine, and we walked together towards Jeremy's car. I made for the driver's side and Damon gently pulled me back.

"No chance." He smirked.

"I'm pregnant, not disabled." I rolled my eyes but handed over the keys without a fuss. I didn't really mind. I was too happy.

We got into the car and I immediately took Damon's free hand, clasping it in both of mine. The drive back to the boarding house was short, and I couldn't look away from his shining blue eyes the whole way. When Damon stopped the car in the driveway, he shut off the engine but didn't move.

"What's wrong?" I asked, rubbing small circles on the back of his hand.

"I haven't seen my brother in years." Damon admitted. "He's going to be so angry at me for abandoning him because I was so torn up over you. Elena, I couldn't stand to be around anyone. I could only see the things that reminded me of you."

"Stefan loves you, you're his brother." I leaned closer and rested a hand on Damon's cheek. "He's going to be so happy to see you. I promise." I could tell that Damon was still unsure. "Or you could stay out here alone, but I'm going in."

I let go of his hand and climbed out of the car. As I started walking towards the front door, there was a slam of the other door and then Damon's hand was circling my wrist. I smiled and opened my mouth to say I told you so, but I was cut off by his lips on mine.

Melting under his touch, I pressed myself closer to him, one of my hands circling his back and holding him close. He pulled back after a moment, chuckling.

"I don't know how long it's going to be until I can do that again." Damon said. "We might have company for a while."
"They can deal with it." I whispered, giving him one more quick kiss.

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