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I woke up so nervous that my hands were shaking. Tradition forbade Damon and I from seeing each other before our wedding, so I wouldn't see him at all today.

I had slept in late, even though I had gone to bed early. Katherine was doing her hair in the mirror, and smiled at me in the glass when she saw me awake. I stifled a yawn and ran a hand through my hair.

"Morning bride to be." She said. "You have two hours to get beautiful and ready."

"Right." I turned around and went to the bathroom.

I showered and washed my hair, drying it for ages on a towel before it was dry enough. When I came out wrapped in a towel, Katherine sat me down on a stool and began styling my hair. I had told her about the hairstyles of the future and she did my hair in a loose plait so that locks of hair escaped and framed my face.

"Nervous?" She asked as she got my dress and shoes out of the closet. I nodded and stepped into the dress that she held out for me.

Katherine zipped it up and I looked at myself in the mirror. The dress was pure white, lace covering the chest before it flared out in smooth white sheets at my waist. The fabric shimmered slightly as I moved.

I put on my flat soled white shoes and then the veil, which wasn't something I thought we would use, but apparently all women had them. Luckily it wasn't very long, and didn't stick out at all.

"You look stunning. Damon is a very lucky man." Katherine handed me my flowers to hold. "I'm going to get changed now."

"Okay." I murmured, clasping the flowers. They were light pink, soft yellow, and white. One of the little girls from yesterday had obviously tied it, since it was the bow I had taught them. I smiled at that.

I couldn't believe that today was finally here. It had been two months since Damon had asked me to marry him. I couldn't wait to be his wife. I knew that I would have to tell him about my vampirism sooner or later. And I knew that he would have to turn, as would Stefan. It would be the only way to ensure that the future played out as I knew was supposed to. But if he really didn't want to, then I would respect that choice. But for now, he was oblivious.

Katherine came back into the room, two glasses of blood in her hands. She handed me one and I took it gratefully. With the wedding prep the last few days, I had forgotten all about my hunger for blood.

"Don't you dare spill it." She threatened as we clicked our glasses together.

We drank our blood in silence. Mine had a slightly bitter taste to it, but it was probably a bit old. If we couldn't get it from people, Katherine had a connection with someone who worked at the doctor's. They gave us blood bags when they could, but supply was shaky and random.

"Alright." Katherine took my empty glass and placed both mine and hers on the table. "Let's go get you married."

I was too nervous to reply and just smiled. We left the house and got into the carriage waiting for us. The journey was short, and we pulled up in about five minutes. Katherine helped me put and quickly adjusted my train and lifted the veil to cover my face.

She motioned to someone waiting at the door of the church, and the young girl darted inside, probably to alert that we had arrived. Music started playing a minute later, and Katherine looped her arm through mine. I had asked her to walk with me, since she was my only relative that knew they were related to me, and I was in no way going to ask one of the Gilbert's to do it.

We walked up the stairs as the doors opened. The people inside rose as they saw us. My eyes only looked for Damon, and I relaxed when I saw him standing up front with Stefan by his side. He looked dashing in his black suit, a small white rose in his breast pocket.

A soft smile lit up his handsome features as our eyes linked, and I had to hold myself back. I walked with Katherine up the aisle at a slow walk. She took my flowers and kissed my cheek before going to stand opposite Stefan.

Damon reached out and took my hand as I came to face him. With the other hand, he lifted my veil out of the way. His eyes softened, and I wanted nothing more than to kiss him.

"You look beautiful, if it isn't obvious." He murmured. I smiled and felt my cheeks flush.

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