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"Elena, are you okay?" Maria touched my shoulder.

"I'm fine." I reassured her. "I have to go to the bathroom."

Hurrying away, I pressed my finger to the gem of my daylight ring and mumbled Emma's name. Glancing over my shoulder to make sure that no one was watching me, I dashed out of the room and up the stairs to a bathroom. Finding the largest one, I closed the door and locked it behind me. I was vulnerable until the coven got here, and I wasn't going to stand out in the open as a target for Klaus.

"Hello Elena."

I whirled around, knocking my hand on the doorknob as I did so. A man stood on the other side of the bathroom, leaning against the wall. I backed up against the door as he slowly walked towards me.

"Get away from me." I spat. His eyes glowed a yellow tint for a moment, and I knew he was one of Klaus' hybrids. "You don't have to do what Klaus tells you to do."

"I have no problem carrying out the order to kill you." The man lifted a hand and ran a finger along my cheekbone. I shivered in disgust. "I have no idea who you are or why Klaus wants you. All he gave me is a name and a warning not to get the wrong doppelganger, this time." The threat of killing Katherine was unspoken, but I heard it anyway.

"Did he also tell you that I'm a vampire that's perfectly capable of ripping out your heart?" I growled. A look of shock flashed over the hybrid's face just as I plunged my hand into his chest, closing my fingers around his heart.

I ripped the organ from his chest, and the man fell forward onto me. Kicking him away, I dropped the heart on the floor and stepped away from him. Blood was all over my hand, running down my arm. It was stained all over my dress from the man falling on me, and I bit my lip as I wondered what to do. I couldn't go downstairs with a bloody dress.

"Maybe I can help you with that."

I sighed in relief as I turned and saw Emma standing there. She surveyed the scene, a look of approval on her face. I gave a shocked and relieved laugh.

"Thank god." I sighed. "I'm glad you're here." Emma smirked.

"The other's couldn't make it, but I can do it alone." She raised a hand, and the blood faded away from my dress and arm. The hybrid and his heart vanished, leaving no trace that he was ever there. "And for the mark." Fire burst up around me, and I felt the pain in my wrist. Emma dropped her hand.

"Thank you." I leant against the door. "I'm so grateful for you helping me." Emma winked.

"I put an extra spell behind it. That mark should last until the day you time travelled. Probably a bit more. Find me in the future will you?"

"Sure." I smiled. I blinked, and Emma was gone.

Smoothing down my dress, I left the bathroom and went back downstairs. Damon was walking through the crowd, looking slightly worried. His face relaxed as he spotted me, and he came right over.

"I was worried about you. No one knew where you had gone."

"I'm fi..." I was halfway through the word fine when his lips touched mine.

"Sorry." Damon sighed when he pulled away. "I just had a really bad feeling. I'm glad you're okay."

"I'm more than okay." I stroked his cheek. "I'm amazing, because I'm with my husband." Damon smiled at my use of the word.

"Dance with me?" He asked.

"Always." I let him lead me onto the dance floor again.

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