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That night, I sat on my bed in my nightgown, reading a book. I couldn't really absorb the words, too caught up in what Damon wanted to talk about. For the third time I checked my reflection in my mirror, hoping that I looked okay.

There was a soft knock on my door and I hurtled across the room to open it. Damon smiled at me and I stepped aside to let him in. He walked into my room and waited until I turned around.

"You know, some women wouldn't allow a man to be in their room with the door shut."

"I trust you will not kidnap me." I joked, and Damon chuckled. "What did you wish to speak to me about?"

"I hope you will not be too harsh on me if you do not feel as I do." Damon began. "But I can deny my feelings no longer. Elena, I wish to ask you if I may court you."

I was stunned for a moment. Sure, Damon in the future had told me that he had feelings for me, but I had not expected it from the Damon of 1864. I looked up into his ocean blue eyes and nodded.

"I would be honoured." I replied. Damon smiled.

"I have something for you." He pressed something into my hand. I looked down to see a necklace. It was a silver charm on a leather rope, in the shape of angel wings. It was beautiful. "Allow me."

I handed the necklace back to Damon and turned my back to him, lifting my hair out of the way. He slipped the leather cord around my neck and tied it for me. I let my hair drop and slowly turned back to face him. Damon was a lot closer than I expected him to be, and I took a shallow breath as I looked up into his eyes.

He moved closer, one of his hands raising to cup my face. My eyes slid closed as he kissed me, hesitant at first. I kissed him back slowly, and he grew more confident, his lips exploring mine.

Never would I have guessed that human Damon was like this. He seemed almost scared of kissing me, but once he realised that I wanted him too, he kissed me how I remembered future Damon did.

After a long moment, we pulled away from each other. Damon's warm eyes gazed into mine, and I smiled. We were quiet for a moment, wanting to savour this perfect moment.

"I have wanted to do that for weeks." He admitted.

"Me too." I bit my lip.

Damon's eyes flicked quickly down to my lips and then up again. I tilted my chin up and touched my mouth to his again. It seemed to take Damon by surprise, but he was more than willing.

"You are so different Elena." He murmured once we parted. "Most women would not be as forward as you are. I like that about you." Damon let me go and stepped away. "I should let you get some rest."

"Goodnight Damon." I followed him to the door and he opened it. Leaning against the doorframe, I watched him go into his room before I closed the door and locked it.

Blowing out my candle, I set the book I was reading on the bedside table and climbed into bed. Curling up on my side, I smiled to myself in the darkness.

I fell asleep quickly, and dreamed of Damon.


Katherine found me the next day as I was heading down to breakfast. She pulled me aside and pressed a finger to her lips to silence me. I nodded and she let me go.

"I heard Damon telling Stefan that he asked you to court him, and you said yes." She hissed. I chuckled.

"Yeah." I grinned. Katherine smiled back. We had become as close as sisters in a short space of time, sharing everything. I guess saving her from being found out as a vampire made her trust me. And surprisingly, I was able to forget most of the horrible things she had done.

"Good for you. Any leads on that witch you were hunting down?"

"No." I looked down. "It was a dead end. She wasn't a witch after all, just a fake physic." Katherine rested a hand on my shoulder.

"Elena, do you really want to leave?" She asked. "I know you're in love with Damon. Why would you go."

"Because I have friends and family there, and Damon and I are in love then too. This isn't my home Katherine." I replied. "I miss my life."

"I know." Katherine pulled me into a hug. "But if you find a way out of here, find me in the future. Okay?"

"Okay." I smiled.

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