26. Visit from the Goddess.

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Y/n P.O.V

I heard my name and walked out to see everyone standing on each side of the stairs, Jungkook was standing on the first step, when he turned to look at me it seems as though time slowed down as I made my way to him, he was wearing an all black outfit, and I have to say, he looked amazing

I heard my name and walked out to see everyone standing on each side of the stairs, Jungkook was standing on the first step, when he turned to look at me it seems as though time slowed down as I made my way to him, he was wearing an all black outf...

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I looked at the boys and they looked amazing as well, they matched with their mates, I guess the Keeho told them what theme and colour their suits must be.

When I reached Jungkook, it was just then when I noticed the shocked expressions on the elders faces, "Did I do something wrong?" I whispered to Jungkook causing him to get confused and follow my gaze "Not that I know of, we'll talk to them at dinner

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When I reached Jungkook, it was just then when I noticed the shocked expressions on the elders faces, "Did I do something wrong?" I whispered to Jungkook causing him to get confused and follow my gaze "Not that I know of, we'll talk to them at dinner." He said giving me a reassuring smile.

It seems as tho they snapped out of it and continued with the ceremony "My fellow pack members, today is the day our alpha finally lays his mark on his very own stone of recollection, alongside his mate Y/n, they will leave their print on the pack, this print will symbolize their promise to protect the pack, provide an heit to the pack name anf ensure the happiness of the pack." The elder spoke as everyone cheered for us, watching us walk up all the steps "Jeon Jungkook and now Jeon Y/n, do you swear to your life that you will, protect this pack, provide an heir to this pack and ensure this packs happiness?" The elder asked as we made it to the step where we will print our hands on "we swear." Jungkook and I spoke at the same time "then lay your hands on this step and seal the bond between you and the pack." The elder spoke and we did as told, as soon as our hands touched the stone a magical glow was seen coming from it, and when we took our hands off the stone our hand prints were left behind "Welcome the official Alpha and Luna of the Blue Moon Pack, now the necklace." The elder announced and everyone started cheering as another elder approachedme with a necklace in hand, i bow my head and Jungkook lifts my hair to make it easier for the elder to put the necklace around my neck. Finally finishing with the ceremony everyone cheered again making me and Jungkook smile.

Time skip Y/n P.O.V

After the ceremony the whole pack went to the pack center, where there were three rows of long tables set up, the Alpha sits at the head of the table in the middle where the Luna sits on his right side, alongside the Alpha and Luna sits their most trusted companions and the elders. The rest of the pack sits on the two other tables on the right and left side of the middle table. Everyone was eating and enjoying their time "Alpha, Luna, may we speak to you for a moment." One of the elders asked, we agreed and followed her towards one of the buildings, "this is where the elders have meetings." Jungkook told me "it's one of the first building to ever been built into his pack." He explained further, but before I could say anything we were asked to sit down. "Yes?" Jungkook asked as we all were now seated "Jungkook do you remember what your parents taught you about the colors on a Luna's dress?" The eldest of them all spoke "Yes, the colors represent the Luna's personality, that way we can predict how she will lead the pack." He explained shocking me "W-what?" I asked "We usually wxplain this to the Luna after the ceremony, this is why we were so shocked when we saw you." The elder explained "You knew and you told me you didn't know why they were shocked." I said looking at Jungkook "Yes, that is because you were only supposed to know about it after." The elder spoke making me nod "But she chose all the colors." Another spoke "yes, which means she will be an amazing Luna... like none we've ever seen." The elder spoke making me smile "Thank you." I said showing my gratitude for the kind words "now, let's go join the pack and celebrate our Alpha and Luna." The eldest of them all spoke and we all went back to the party.

Time skip still Y/n P.O.V

After dinner we went back the the pack house as it is important for the Luna and Alpha to spend their first night as Official Alpha and Luna in the pack house. Everyone went to bed as soon as we got home because it truly was a tiring day, "You looked amazing in that dress, I was barely able to control myself." Jungkook pulling me closer to him, making me giggle, I soon became confused "What's wrong?" He asked seeing my confused face "Why do we need tailor made dresses, I could have just gone to a shop to buy a dress." I asked "The dress as the elders said represents you as a Luna, the colors on the dress is a representation of your personality and it helps the elders see how your leadership will improve the pack, you can also choose if you want to be buried with the dress after you pass or if you want it to be kept in the pack museum as a memory of you." He explained "Oh wow, that's so sweet." I said "What color was you mother's dress?" I asked, u could see him getting sad "I'm sorry for making you sad, I'm sorry for even asking." I said panicking "No, no it's ok." He said chuckling a little "My mother's dress was a soft pink/peach color, meaning she was a energetic and playful soul." He said smiling as he remembered his mother "Sadly we were attacked the day of my mother and father's anniversary, they killed my mother, when she was killed my father lost control and ripped every wolf that dared to attack us heads off their shoulders." He continued, his voice cracked while still talking, I could see that he was still not healed from the traumatic experience "B-by the time my father was done it was a-already too late." He stuttered as tears escaped his eyes I couldn't bare seeing him like that so I hugged him "3 months after my father also died from the heart ache of losing a mate." A sob left his mouth "I was only 6, 6 years old with no father and mother." He sobbed out, I wrapped my arms around his neck comforting him as he opened up to me "I love you so much Y/n, please don't leave me." He looked up and my heart broke even more "I love you too and I would never do that." I said giving him a small peck on his nose, he took a deep breath "I'm sorry for ruining the moment." He said hugging my waist "it's ok." I smiled making him smile as well "I think it's time for bed." He said picking me up and laying me next to him as he turned his bed side lamp off "Good night my love." He said kissing my forehead "Goodnight my alpha." I said back and drifted off to sleep.

"Y/n my daughter." I heard a woman's voice but I couldn't see her, everything was dark. "Where are you?" I asked as I still couldn't see anything, but suddenly I was standing in the middle of a sunflower field, I had to cover my eyes for a second as the brightness of the sun hurt "You've grown up so much." I heard the voice again "who are you?" I asked again on alert. "I am the Moongodess." She said, I turned around as I heard her voice from behind me, my eyes widened as I realized that I might have came off as rude "I am so sorry." I said bowing, but soon felt a hand on my shoulder making me stand up straight "It's ok." She giggled out "I'm speaking to you because I came to tell you that you and your brother are my offsprings love." She said confusing me "Yoongi? Or my twin?" I asked tilting my head to the side "No love, you two were born into to two different families, on Earth you arent technically related but you two are my offsprings and there is a mark on your lower back that matches his, but his is on the back of his right shoulder." She continued "He will be waiting for you at school." She finished "But how will I know it's him." I asked "you will smell a lavemder scent when you are in close contact, he already knows about this." She explained "Ok, but why choose to tell me this now?" I asked getting worried "There is a danger lurking in the shadows, and you will need to work together to defeat him." She answered causing me to get even more worried "it is time to wake up now, you'll be late for school." She joked as she started disappearing "wait!" I exclaimed trying to hold her but to no avail. "I hope everything will be OK." I whispered.



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