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The triplet were growing rather too fast, they've just turned three and their personalities were already starting to show. Nolan was more attached to Augustus, and was curious about everything to do with nature. They once took the toddlers to Caesar's place, and the kid was fascinated by all the variety of herbs. He saw Ruben who is Caesar's son picking a leaf up and sniffing it, and there he was imitating the man. Sebastian and Augustus found it cute, especially when he started plucking off anything green on the ground and filling it in his tiny jar. The kings were pretty sure that more than half of that jar contained grass or weed, but they would pretend it's valuable. He was also into books, even though he couldn't read, he would gather as much and pretend to be understanding the text in those books. And the fact that he loved Mannie was a bonus for Augustus, as they visit the elder together every now and then.

Lanse was more intrigued by Sebastian, he would just sit near the man studying him closer, and half the time pretends he's not. Whenever, Sebastian left his documents to his close range the kid will be paging the papers as if he understands what's in there. He would at time ask questions about the kingdom, trying hard to make sense of politics. And he was the peace maker between his two siblings. And a very serious kid for his age which worried Augustus, but Sebastian cooed over it, saying he was wise beyond his age. Which terrified Augustus even more. He didn't want an uptight kid, he was never uptight himself.

Argh! And Gillian, the beautiful princess who acted too entitled and bullies her way through anything. She was so fond of Ronaldino, always following him around and demanding he does ridiculous things for her. Ronaldino was a push over when it comes to the babies. And Gillian had a weird obsession for knives and anything to do with pirates. She was leaning more towards being a tomboy, and didn't mind throwing around some powerful punches. Nolan has once got a swollen cheek because of her, Lanse had a few teeth bites and scratches, and Sebastian once nursed a bursted lip. She definitely didn't hit like a girl.

But whenever the babies needed some sweet loving and warm snacks they ran to their mother, and sure knew how to butter her up and get their way.

Augustus snuggled against Sebastian, as they watched the triplet help themselves with the cookies. Their mistake was not dividing the cookies to their moderate number. Now one cookie was left and Nolan and Gillian were fighting over the cookie. Nolan seem frustrated by how Gillian felt obligated to having the treats when she ate way more than any of them. Gillian felt entitled to the cookie because she was a "girl."

Well...Nolan and Gillian happen to be identical twins, only Nolan was smaller in terms of weight, never seeming to put much weight on, but he was slightly taller than Gillian. Lanse was the tallest of the triplets, and very different from them with his blue eyes and squared face. The identical twins were more closer to each other, but fought a lot too.

"Stop it!" Lanse shouted, trying to stop his siblings.

"Tell him to give it to me, Lase..." Gillian whined.

Nolan scoffed, throwing the cookie straight at Gillian's face. But the girl huffed, catching the treat as it slid down her belly and grinned as she ate it. Lanse took his and gave it to Nolan.

"Happy now?" Lanse asked the identical twins, before sitting on the ground and completing his coloring book.

Nolan muttered a thank you, and proceeded to eat the treat, as Gillian just huffs again. Augustus and Sebastian watched them closely, and then shared this look as if they've solved a puzzle. They both just knew what to do. And that is what they did, as they requested a meeting with the council.

"I don't understand why we're here," Gary yawned.

Sebastian gulped as he leaned closer.

"We're here to request for the constitution to change," he said.

Every council member frowned.

"What constitution?" Lady Macphee questioned.

The two kings exchanged a glance before facing the council once more.

"That the first son is entitled to the throne..."

"It can't be!" Gary scoffed, shooting forward, leaning on the table.

"A leader is born, sir. And not made! What if we see a quality of a good king on the third or forth son? You're telling me that you'd disregard that because of a stupid law?" Augustus questioned.

The council members exchanged a doubtful glance.

"You're saying you want Lanse to be the next successor of the throne instead of Nolan?" Gary inquired.

"We love our children, and we have no doubt they'll each fulfil greater purposes for the kingdom. But...Nolan is too carefree to be tied down to the throne. Lanse is more of a leader, and we believe he'd make a greater king," Sebastian placed his point.

"We know our children," Augustus added.

There was silence upon the chambers. Everyone seem to be in their thoughts. The council demanded for time to deliberate, in which they did. They agreed for the constitution to be reviewed and changed. Instead of Nolan being named the next successor of Larmont, Lanse was now placed forward. The council however, did pledge that they wanted no sibling rivalry in the future, for if so then the constitution will be reversed. Augustus and Sebastian had gulped, before nodding their heads.

In their time of ruling, they have already changed two constitutions. They were the first kings to rule, which eliminated the queen. They had chosen the second born son to be the next king. They couldn't help but to wonder as to what else were they to challenge. It seems as if Gary had thought the same thing.

"Please don't come again demanding for constitutions to change. People don't conform to changes very well," he warned, before everyone got up to leave.

The two kings turned to look at each other and sighed.

"I don't think Gary likes us anymore," Sebastian muttered.

"Screw that old man," Augustus scoffed jokingly.

The two men laughed, as they lean in for a lingering kiss. Their love illuminating from their eyes, engulfing their entire being. They had no idea what else was out there for them to tackle but one thing they knew for sure, is that they'll get through it together. For their love shone in places where sunlight wasn't able to reach. Shakespeare had nothing on these two kings of Larmont. They were the realest royal highness!

The End!

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