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Augustus has been spending more time with Sebastian. The more he did so, the more he admired the man. His train of thinking, and his humanity that stretched out in levels he wasn't aware even existed. The Rubensteins were different. They held their people highly. Instead of viewing themselves as people of importance, they rather viewed themselves as minors. Holding their people in the most high position. Sebastian once said, the kingdom is the people. It was an incredible way to view things.

Today, Sebastian was busy mediating minor conflicts. People accussing each other of theft, witchcraft, and other stories were quite amusing. While Augustus found humor in this transgression, Sebastian was stressed. Honestly, the dark hair prince would stay all day just to listen to the locals useless battering.

Right now as the two prince were sitting in Sebastian's beloved study, sharing a bottle of rum, Augustus was laughing hysterically. He couldn't stop himself from reminiscing about today's event.

"Who was that old man that was accussing his neighbor for using his garden tools and bringing them back dirty?" he asked, the fifth story of the day.

"Mannie," Sebastian groaned, while massaging his forehead.

Augustus laughed even harder just recalling the event.

"When he said he suspects his neighbor, for stealing his tools. I was just blown away," he said between his laughs.

"And worse, he accused a black woman," Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"She immediately used racism as her defence," he chuckled. "Did you see Mannie's face. It was so red, I was sure we were going to see smoke illuminating from it. He was so ashamed and embarrassed," Augustus couldn't stop himself from laughing.

"He has a crush on Yolanda," Sebastian revealed.

"What!" Augustus gasped. "Why doesn't he just tell her that? Why accuse her of stealing his garden tools?" the prince couldn't believe this new piece of information.

"Because he is scared she will reject him. So, he finds these small things to annoy the woman. It's like he's trying to get any attention he can get from the woman," he rolled his eyes.

"Wait! How do you know this?" he frowned, really curious to find out.

"Everyone knows Augustus. It's been what? Over three years now," he informed the prince of Neverland.

Augustus laughed feeling sorry from Mannie.

"Do you think she stole them? Because she'll need to wash them next time. I think Mannie's problem is that she brings them muddy," he chuckled, sipping the rum straight from the bottle.

"Roy Kingston," Sebastian simply stated.

Augustus frowned, not sure how that name was relevant to this.

"The boy who borrows Mannie's tools, is the boy that lives opposite his house. Diana Kingston's son. He keeps digging these holes on the woman's yard just to annoy her," he explained.

"Why didn't you just tell Mannie?" Augustus didn't understand why Sebastian let the argument between the two elders go on, if he already knew the culprit.

"Because Mannie has a short fuse," he exposed, which just got Augustus laughing harder. "He'll steal Diana's flower pots if he finds out," he said.

Augustus chuckled, that was an incredulous assumption for Sebastian to make.

"He's done it before," Sebastian told him.

"You're kidding!" Augustus laughed so hard, when he saw the sincerity in the other prince's eyes.

Mannie was his favourite person by far. Not only was the man saying and doing senseless things, but he was a rare character to find. He was so short, and scrawny. His snow white balding hair. His blue eyes held a sense of innocence up until he speaks with his tiny voice. He wore khaki shorts, pulling them up to his waist. His baby blue short sleeve shirt tucked in neatly. His suspenders pulling his shorts higher, highlighting his small belly.

"Oh...I'll miss Mannie. Do you think we can visit him sometimes?" he inqured.

Sebastian laughed, shaking his head. There was no way he could speak to Mannie without suffering from a headache after. Augustus pouted.

They kept chatting, before slidding on the floor to play a board game. Darts, to be more specific. Sebastian was holding onto a black bead. He was laughing at Augustus confused face, as the prince scanned the board. He looked at Sebastian suspiciously.

"It doesn't make sense," he finally spoke after a long silence.

Sebastian chuckled, raising his brows.

"What?" he asked, sounding more amused.

Augustus shook his head, looking at the board then back at Sebastian.

"Bring it back," he insisted.

"Why? I earned it," the other prince argued.

"You're not playing fair Seb! Bring it back," he demanded.

Sebastian laughed, shaking his head. Augustus lunged on him, trying to retrieve the bead in Sebastian's fist. But the brunnet clutched it firmly, moving his hand away from the prying hand.

"No!" he shouted, but was still laughing hard. Not sure whether it was the rum in his system, or was it Augustus insistence that he cheated.

Augustus was not having none of it, determined to retrieve that bead. But Sebastian's limbs were longer, and he was clearly never going to get the bead, unless the boy gave it back. So, he decided intimidation was best.

He narrowed his eyes at Sebastian, but the prince laughed, shaking his head. The air around them thickening, as they stared intensely into each other's eyes. Then Augustus eyes lowered to the pink pair of lips, shortly Sebastian followed in pursuit. Their eyes met again, as the wheels visibly turn in their heads. Both men contemplating, but none of them pulling away.

When Augustus bit his bottom lip, that was it for Sebastian. He cupped the dark hair prince's face, clashing his lips on the red ones. Their lips immediately locked into a fierce, passionate kiss. Sebastian would occasional bite Augustus bottom lip, pulling it gently, before they go back to sucking each others lips hard. Augustus fingertips caressing Sebastain's well defined abs. Their bodies moving sensually against each other. Their bodies overheating each second that passed by. They were so sync as if it was such a norm for them

Augustus moaned softly, when Sebastian grinded on his crotch a little firmer. And that was the end of it. As the dark hair prince, pulled back so quick as if shot by a volt of electricity. He scrambled on the carpet, getting as far away from Sebastain as he could. Both their eyes wide in shock, of just what had happened.

Sebastian could feel his heart hummering away in his chest. Guilt coiling around his gut. His eyes stuck on Augustus flushed face and swollen lips. He could feel his throbbing erection within his pants, and that made the guilt worsen. Augustus lowered his gaze, biting his lip again. His own guilt wrapping itself firmly around him. He looked back into Sebastian's still shock filled eyes.

"I need to go," he muttered, scrambling up from the ground.

Sebastian just hummed, not having the voice to speak, as an invisible lump cloaked his throat. Augustus quickly left the study, his cock was just as hard as Sebastian's. He rushed for the stairs, eager to lock himself in his room. He needed to escape, hide away from everyone. He couldn't understand why he was arosed like this. Maybe it was the rum. He didn't bother to debate that. That reasoning was better than any other reasons. The rum became his escape goat, for now.

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