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There was no doubt that the two prince were growing closer and even more attached to one another. While they were in sync with one another in all dynamic even having a strong chemistry in bed, there was no doubt the two men were diving into dangerous zones. But they couldn't stop themselves even if they wanted to. How do you wave off a feeling of freedom and grace? Those two feelings were rare, and they found them with each other. So, they will grasp on it for as long as they could.

Sebastian's fingers slid into the wavy black hair, loving the texture against his fingers. He watched the laughing Augustus, as he chuckled himself.

"You've been visiting Mannie, haven't you?" the brunnet accused rather than just questioning.

Augustus laughed harder.

"I couldn't help it Seb. I missed the man. You know when they say dynamite comes in small packages..."

"That is no excuse Calabasas. The man is rubbing off on you," he scrunched his nose up.

Augustus had been saying weird phrases and acting strangely lately. And only one person, personifies every object in his speech. And that person is Mannie!

"Oh come on! It's not that bad," he said.

"It is," Sebastian deadpans, only making Augustus laugh harder.

"But I'm still sexy," he purred.

Sebastian's lips pulled into a smirk, leaning closer.

"That, you are," he agreed, his lips slightly brushing the other prince's lips.

However, they both jumped apart, when the door was pushed open. Carson was grinning, his eyes dancing with joy. However, Erico's eyes were staring at the two prince with a sense of confusion.

"I heard laughter. Thought knocking wasn't necessary, I didn't want to miss the joke," the king teased, but Erico's eyes didn't stop darting from bone prince to the other, as Carson teases the boys.

Sebastian cleared his throat, looking just as uncomfortable as Augustus was.

"It's nothing father," he muttered, and when he saw the man's eyes glimmer with mischief, Sebastian quickly laid that to rest. "What exactly did you need father?" he questioned.

"Oh..." Carson beamed once more. "I thought of taking king Erico for a walk down to the basement. Thought prince Augustus might like to see the rest of the castle," he offered.

Sebastian saw king Erico relaxing, and he too relaxed. He didn't like the questioning look the man had earlier, but now it seems he had chose to dismiss whatever it is that ran in his head.

"Of course, we'll join you on your conquest," Sebastian accepted the offer on behalf of Augustus who seems to have relaxed also.

"Conquest?" Carson scoffed, chuckling lightly as he led the way.

Sebastian had no idea why Carson was so excited to take the other king down there. The basement wasn't much of an excitement. Honestly, there was no need to be here.

"This place used to be a prison for suspects threatning the livelihood of the kingdom. But then over the years we haven't had much of those. So, we just use the basement on the otherside of the lawn," he shrugged. "We've transformed these into nice rooms," he said with a great sense of pride.

"I don't know why, because no one comes down here," Sebastian grumbled, getting an elbow on his gut from Augustus. The brunnet groaned, glaring at Augustus, who only glared back.

"It's a castle Seb! Every room should look to that standard. Your mother would faint if she heard you speak those words," Carson scowled, but it lasted less than a minute.

Now it made sense. Elizabeth ordered for the renovation. His father was a sucker for love.

The lartners flickered above their heads. It was already the evening, and the basement was dark due to the lack of windows. It was very quiet too, due to the design. No noise could be heard from here. Each room designed to capture sound inside it, more like a soundproofed one.

"I'll show you one room. They are all almost similar. So...just one is okay," Carson informed his small audience, as he pushed one door open.

However, his smile flattered, shock taking over. Everyone of them was shocked, as they heard soft moans. In their view came red curls bouncing, milk white skin which was a great contrast to the champaign colored sheet. Calloused hands gripping the woman's small waist, as grunt came from the male companion. As if that wasn't shock enough, they had to witness the woman get her orgasm.

"Hazel!" Erico bellowed.

The princess snapped her head around, shock covering her flustered face. Her body still convulsing from the aftershock of her orgasm. She quickly grabbed the bedcover, wrapping it on her body, before jumping off the man lying on the bed. His eyes also wide with fear, shock, and embarrassment. He pulled the sheet, covering his exposed erection which was still yet to cum.

"What is this?" Erico yelled.

"Father...I'm...I'm...." Hazel stammered, tears filling her eyes, as shame came upon her, her gaze fell to the ground, her grip tightening around the bedcover, the tears sure to fall.

"Who is this....this...imbecile!" Erico spat with disgust as he watched the young man.

"Samson," Carson responded automatically, still shocked by what they've just discovered.

"A peasant, Hazel! Goodness...." Erico's voice shook with terror, anger, and defeat. His own tears threatning to fall. This was bad on his kingdom. On him. Hazel has brought shame to his family.

Augustus stumbled back, never once had he thought he would witness his sister bed another man. The image was engraved in his head, there to live on for...god knows till when. Her head thrown back, her smooth back glistening with sweat, her small round ass boncing on a....

The prince of Neverland shook his head, trying to do away with the image, but it was there. Playing itself over and over in his head. Her soft moans, the man's disgusting grunts echoed endlessly in his head. He hated it! But he couldn't delete the damn thing stuck in his head.

Sebastian was just as shocked. Not disgusted but shocked. He had thought Hazel was a virgin for some reason. Yes, the brunnet twins seem to be running around with men but Hazel...something about Hazel made all this hard to decipher. How? Why? Was she in love with this man? Questions roamed in his head, her moans being the background music to his thoughts.

Carson cleared his throat, finally coming out of his stupor.

"Get dressed young lady," he ordered, turning his gaze to Samson. He swallowed hard, feeling tremors rippling through his body, not in a good way. "You too young man. I summon you both, into my chambers. Immediately," he ordered, before turning to leave.

He heard Erico mutter a, "jesus." Clearly, still traumatised. The pain still evident in his voice. But Carson kept walking. As a king he had to investigate this matter without being bias, then inform the council. The thought of involving the council didn't sit right with him, but he had to. Hazel was suppose to be the future queen. But infidelity was a great sin. Deeming her as unworthy to wed the next successor of the throne. She was tainted, and her actions were a sign of weakness. At least that is how the council would view things. But first things first....why and how? The king had to ask the two culprits those two valid questions.

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