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Sebastian and Augustus rode together stopping at an open field. The grass had dried, and long to their knees. The brunnet prince held the other prince's hand, leading the way down the field. Augustus was shocked by the current action, but he loved the warmth and cosy feeling it gave him. He shifted closer, loving the feeling of the heat radiating from the brunnet, and his unique scent. They came to a stop in the middle of the field. Sebastian sat down, pulling Augustus with him.

"This is it? This is the place you wanted to take me?" Augustus frowned, looking around the deserted area.

Sebastian nodded, looking far ahead.

"No offence, but this place isn't....much," he said, trying to be slightly nice with his wording.

Sebastian laughed, finally glancing his way. He adored the way the sun beamed on Augustus face, highlighting his red lips, and making his green eyes a lot more brighter. His skin tone was slightly tan now, due to being exposed to the sun. He tucked some of Augustus hair behind his ear, loving how the prince leaned towards his touch.

"Look ahead Augustus," he said softly, drawing back his hand, as the subject does as he had instructed. "Over there," he pointed far ahead.

Augustus gasped, as he noted how the sky far ahead was dripped with beautiful colors. A faint, warm shade of orange, a lavender shade of purple, and an immense shade of green. It looked spectacular.

"Wow! How is that possible?"

Sebastian shrugged.

"There's more. Just look closer," he instructed.

Augustus smiled as he saw the bunch of white butterflies floating above the scattered sunflowers. He followed a pair, that flew together, tangling as they chased the sky, before lowering and flying away together.

"I used to come here, whenever the castle got too much for me. It was like my own personal oasis," he declared.

Augustus hummed, taking in the scent of dried grass and daisies that mingled in the air. The sun that pierced his skin not too harshly. His hand slowly glide over the grass, lying on top of Sebastian, gripping it slightly as he placed his head on the prince's shoulder. He felt content with the man. Sebastian was slightly taken aback, not used to Augustus showing much affection. But then a smile tugged on his lips, as they both stared far ahead in a comforting silence.

Their heart beating as one. Their inside tangling into a huge giant mess. But that also came with a sense of calmness. A calmness none of them were familiar with, but one they'd like to get familiar with. At that moment Augustus realised something. He was falling...falling for a man that wasn't his. He squeezed Sebastian's hand, scared at the sudden realisation.

While they spent the whole of yesterday lazing around, today Sebastian had to visit Caesar, and Augustus had accompanied him. The man lived right in the base of town, where he could easily access the library. As if he needed more books. Augustus was shocked the first time he entered the man's study. It was full of bookshelves, books from all the way from the 1400's, the place smelt like old books. Funny the man knew every copy he had in that house. And his grandson is just seven but he seem to be following in his grandfather's footsteps. Always roaming inbetween those bookshelves, and reading any book that caught his eye.

Augustus had chosen to stay outside today. He found Caesar slightly scary. The man spoke of spooky things, and had weird theories which he claimed to be physics. The dark hair prince didn't fathom whether the man was a herbal specialist or a science proffesor. Too much knowledge leaves a man crippled. At least that is how Augustus viewed it.

Besides he enjoyed conversing with the locals. Knowing each one of them better. He wanted to be like Sebastian and Ronaldino, know each person by name. Maybe, it's a lesson he can adopt and take it back home with him. Soon, he will have to go back to his land. Sebastian was to wed the princess in three weeks, and Augustus would travel back to Neverland the day after the ceremony. He has missed his bestfriends Katharine and Peter. But he hated the thought of leaving those he has met in Larmont.

"If you would grant me a penny m'lord, I'd show you a trick," Matthew offered.

Joseph his friend laughed shaking his head.

"Are you trying to con the prince?" he accused.

"What no! Never!" the copper hair colored man gasped.

Augustus laughed, stopping the two man from arguing any further.

"I'll let you keep it, if you entertain me," he bargained with Matthew.

The man bowed, his eyes sparkling with delight. Augustus chuckled, digging for a penny in his small sack of coins. He gave the man the penny, and watched with so much focus, as the man fold his fingers over the coin. He raised his palm, and it had vanished.

"Where did it go?" Augustus gasped, staring dumbfounded at the empty palm.

The man chuckled, bouncing on his heels back and forth. He reached forward, tucking his fingers behind the prince's ear and pulling out the penny, holding it in front of him. Augustus was awed.

"Matthew Callous! I told you not to do such things!" An older woman scolded as she approached the prince and the boys. "It's dark magic! And you will be beheaded if people see this," she hissed, fear coating her features.

She hiccuped, jumping slightly when she took notice of the prince of Neverland. She quickly countered, muttering her greeting.

"M'lord. Please forgive my boy. He knows no limit. He sees these things and think..." she sighed, shrinking further making her look shorter. "...I don't even know what he thinks. But I'll have a word with him to stop. Please do not behead him. His head might be idle, but I love seeing it at least turning, and his eyes blinking, and his mouth..."

"I get it...." Augustus frowned.

"Marilyn," the woman quickly assisted.

Augustus smiled, a slight blush of embarrassment coated his cheeks.

"...Marilyn," he completed his previous sentence. "No one will behead your son. It's our little secret," he smiled, reassuring her.

The woman smiled feeling relieved and grateful, before glaring at Matthew, a scowl tugging on her face.


"Don't mother me! You're in trouble young man," she stomped her foot, glaring even harder at her son.

"Is everything alright Mrs. Callous?" Sebastian asked as he approaches them.

"All is well prince Sebastain. Matthew here just seem to have annoyed his mother," Augustus responded rather too quick.

Sebastian looked at him with suspicion.

"Thank you so much prince Gus. We enjoyed your company. We hope the next queen in line will be as welcoming as you," Joseph praised, respect visible in his eyes and tone.

Augustus smiled, feeling more humbled than prideful. The three figures bowed once more, as they bid their farewells. Marilyn, smacked her son's arm, scolding the young man in a low voice, as they crossed the street.

"What did you do?" Sebastian accused.

Augustus gasped, feigning innocence.

"Me? Nothing, I swear," he squealed slightly.

Sebastian narrowed his eyes, not buying this act even for a minute. But he decided to let it slide.

"The locals are growing fond of you prince Augustus. I visited Mrs. Timothy, and the woman kept gushing about you. You seem to have made an impression," he said.

Augustus grinned, cockiness gracing his features. But then the grin fell, being replaced with vulnerability and seriousness that Sebastian wasn't accustomed to. He picked on it, before the other prince looked away.

"They've made an impression on me," he muttered, emotions in his voice validating the truthness of his words.

Sebastian offered him a faint smile. He could tell that his kingdom has ruffled some of Augustus' feathers. He just never took time to think on how it had settled with the man's emotions.

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