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Sebastian sat on the bed, the two lanterns on the bedstand giving the room a dim romantic feel. But the current king of Larmont didn't feel any romance brewing but rather frustration. He had thought finding out Magdeline was now pregnant would somehow make him and Augustus get closer but it didn't. He was scared. Scared to lose the man he loved more than anything.

The door squeaked open, Sebastian's head snapped up seeing his handsome husband walk in, with that gloom in his eyes that had somehow became a consistent thing. When the man walked closer towards Sebastian, the brunnet wrapped his arms around Augustus' waist, pressing the side of his face on his abdomen. Augustus felt conflicted, as he hesitantly pat his husband's head.

"You do know I'm not the pregnant one, right?" he released an awkward chuckle.

Sebastian didn't respond, but tightened his hold on the other man. He took a deep breath, admiring his husband's scents that always gives him a type of peace that was rare. He lifted his head, looking up into those green eyes that looked down at him.

"Make love to me baby," he pleaded softly, almost desperately.

Augustus sighed, looking away. He tried to shift away from Sebastain, but the man just didn't make it possible for him to do so. Instead he stood up, cupping one side of the dark hair king's face.

"We haven't made love since the whole baby issue, Gus. I miss you..."

"I can't," he muttered, feeling that familiar pain that has made his heart it home.

"Do you love me no more?" Sebastian asked, his thumb caressing the other man's cheekbone.

Augustus looked into those dark eyes, with a bit of shock in his own.

"Of course I love you Sebastian," he said.

"Then show me," the brunnet whispered, before locking their lips in a passionate kiss.

Augustus' hands clasped on his husband's hips, his grip tightening as he pulled them closer. A moan escaped the corner of their lips, as their tongues twirl around each other. Sebastian broke the kiss, his lips traveling down Augustus' jawline towards his neck.

"Just focus on me," Sebastian whispered, before nibbling the sensitive spot beside the other man's throat.

Harsh pants left Augustus' lips. Sebastian's mouth felt good on his skin. Was that how Magdeline felt too? His green eyes snapped open, as he tries to pull away.

"Don't think of her, Gus. Be here, with me," he pleaded, nibbling the man's ear lobe.

A moan left Augustus' lips.

"I can't..." he barely got the words out, as he pants erratically.

"You can," he kissed his neck, as his hands worked on his button. "I didn't hold her like this," he said, as his hands caress Augustus' soft skin. "Or kissed every part of her skin, while I enjoyed the taste of it," he muttered, nibbling his collarbone. "Everything I do with you, is just for you," he lifted his eyes to look into those green orbs that were now laced with lust. "I love you Augustus," he vowed. "I love you with every fiber in my being," he confessed.

Augustus pulled his head down, locking their lips in another fiery kiss. Maybe that was all he needed. Reassurance.

He pushed the brunnet on the bed, kissing his neck, as he undo the man's shirt. Grinding his crotch on his husband's. Their moans and harsh pants echoing around the room. Sebastian loved the wetness of Augustus' tongue as it trailed down his abs dipping into his bellybutton.

Augustus' hands fumbling with his pants, as he nibbles the skin around Sebastian's abdomen. The brunnet bit his lower lip, his moans were a soft almost subtle sound which sounded so beautiful to the dark hair king, as he works on getting those pants off his husband's body.

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